End of an Idyllsnichols has learned sad news: the Van Vleck Memorial Park on the Cosumnes River outside Sacramento will close soon. snichols is almost unable to cope with how lamentable she finds this development.For the lucky few, this private … [Continue reading] about
Ose and the Arenasnichols can't be bothered to read the papers, but then, she doesn't have to. She just talks to snicholspouse and all is revealed.He salvaged one moment of a horrendously attenuated and poorly thought out meal at the Melting Pot with … [Continue reading] about
Weintraub v. Courtsnichols doesn't like it when one of her adherents attacks another. Perhaps that's why she hasn't blogged lately.Here's what happened:snichols-adherent #1 (Sacramento Bee columnist Dan Weintraub--whom snichols thinks can rightly … [Continue reading] about
Nurses Blast Arnold in NY Times AdSee this great ad that the California Nurses Association put in the New York Times. Last night snichols and her kids went downtown to a wonderful protest of Arnold's red carpet treatment for the special interests at … [Continue reading] about
Battle of the Bulge
Snichols received this information today--knew about the bulge rumors, but not the squashed articles. Anybody think this is real? A scientist at the Jet Propulsion Lab enhanced photos of the bulge on Bush’s back during the debates. Here’s … [Continue reading] about Battle of the Bulge
Would Jesus Want to Bash in the Windshield of Every SUV he Sees with a Baseball Bat? Lately snichols hears a lot of talk about What Would Jesus Drive? as a question about the morality of driving SUVs, and she is in complete agreement with all of it. … [Continue reading] about
Offensive bloggage Every topic, every thought, every expression that snichols thinks of having put forward in the blog today seems potentially offensive to some reader, or too deeply personal to come out with. snichols is paralyzed by too much … [Continue reading] about
Snichols a Deaniac? Now that Howard Dean appears a shoe-in for DNC chair, snichols is considering trading-in her vitriolic hatred, scorn and loathing for Dean for a "hey, cool, wahooo!" You've all heard her rant about Dean's ludicrous centrist … [Continue reading] about
64 Days of Nonviolence At snichols' church (the Center for Spiritual Awareness in West Sacramento, since you ask) we're engaging in 64 days of nonviolence a period that starts with MLK, Jr.'s birthday and ends with something to do with Ghandi (his … [Continue reading] about
Stop comparing Social Security "Crisis" to Clinton Health Care Crisis Jesus, snichols is about to go snake on the punditocracy's ass. Thrice this week she has heard Democrats and their spokesmodels compare the Bush administration's manufactured … [Continue reading] about
See Arnold Run snichols watched the "better" part of Run, Arnold, Run tonight on A&E against her better judgment. She'd give it maybe one snout (:) -- mainly it was a poorly written puff piece. An infomercial, as her principal advisor and co-tv … [Continue reading] about
Iraqi Vote Blah Blah Blah Is there anyone else out there who is sick to death about hearing about the impending Iraqi election? Well, snichols is. She knows it perhumps (as her grandmother used to say) doesn't speak very well for her, but she is … [Continue reading] about