in snichols' mind To increase the eerie but annoying quality of referring to herself in the 3rd-person, snichols has often frightened her children by narrating aloud their day as if they were all in a cheezy potboiler--it goes something like … [Continue reading] about
Kondoleeza Kickback? snichols takes it as an encouraging sign that yesterday all eight Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee voted against confirming White House counsel Albert Gonzales as Attorney General. Judging from the strong and … [Continue reading] about
Great Week snichols is having a fabulous week--almost too fabulous to blog about. Her mother has miraculously recovered from her debilitating sciatic pain; her career is going fabulously her brother is blogging constantly and her husband is doing so … [Continue reading] about
(:)(:)(:)(:) for Rules for Radicals After years of meaning to, snichols finally finished reading the bible of grassroots organizing, Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. By checking it out from the public library, she has no doubt now placed herself … [Continue reading] about
Productivity at office vs. home snichols is currently fascinated by the topic of whether it is possible to be as productive working from home as the office. A dear friend recently went back to daily office work after years of working out of her … [Continue reading] about
On politics It may have come to snichols' readers attention the degree to which she has not been blogging about politics since a certain election in early November of aught four. It's as if some sort of political depression descended over, and she … [Continue reading] about
Bill on Hotel Rwanda snichols' kids got unexpected sleepovers tonight (a great perk for the middle-aged parents of middle-aged kids) so snichols and snicholsqueeze went out for Spanish food then to Hotel Rwanda. (:)(:)(:) for Restaurant Aioli Bodega … [Continue reading] about
(:)(:)(: for A Very Long Engagement First, unrelated to the movie, a shout out to snichols' brother Evan and his blog. He's been blogging every day since January 1. And snichols has challenged herself to do the same. So first, 2 1/2 snouts up for … [Continue reading] about
You Need to Know About this Self-Help Legal It has come to snichols' attention that despite their great reputation and her big mouth, there are some people that snichols knows who don't yet know about Nolo Press. Nolo is a wonderful self-help legal … [Continue reading] about
Acts of God and Money snichols, like all her fellow internationalists, has been interested in the tidal wave of money pouring into the regions most affected by the tsunami. Why, we all have been asking ourselves, not the Sudan, not AIDS in … [Continue reading] about
long time no post birthdays Christmas Virgin Islands epiphany here I am. Whatever brilliant thoughts I had during that intervening time are gone. But here's what's on my mind: I spent a coupla hours looking through magazines for inspiration the … [Continue reading] about
(:)(:)(:)(:) for Closer At first snichols was a little disappointed that the movie Closer wasn't, as snichols had hoped, pronounced "clozer" and actually about John Kerry's miraculous win of the Presidency. Instead, it's "closer" and about all kinds … [Continue reading] about