Poem by snicholsdaughter (8) Time feels like the wind blowing fast and moving on.Time speeds up when I'm playing soccer on the field with my friends.Time stands still when I'm watching a movie.Time slows down when I'm doing … [Continue reading] about
snichols' Kids' Letters to Santa Dear Santa,this year for christmas can I please have a digital camera and the book The Grim Grotto by Lemony Snicket.Thank you,NM (9)Dear Santa,For Christmas I would like:-->A watch-->A broomstick that really flies. … [Continue reading] about
Read the Angry Girl snichols is not too busy to be angry, but she is too busy to stay on top of why she's angry. As Nancy Rader informed me, Angry Girl is not. Read her website and see all the latest on election fraud, election watch, etc. But … [Continue reading] about
(:)(:)(:)(:) for Wifeswap
snichols returned from Cabo (with corn-rows, btw) only to find that Bill felt snichols had given the cohousing Wifeswap a bad review while Bill loved it and thought it was great tv. Let's be clear: snichols thought it was great tv too! It was … [Continue reading] about (:)(:)(:)(:) for Wifeswap
Back from Cabo snichols just got back from 5 days in Cabo. Read Sara Nichols' (a very close relative of snichols) column, Eye on the Pie in this quarter's issue of Rudolf's Diner (edited by snichols' brother--it's all very nepotistic). Indeed, read … [Continue reading] about
Wifeswap Snichols emerged from a Thanksgiving/8 year old birthday/bad cold fog to catch her first (and possibly last) episode of "Wifeswap" tonight--found it hilarious/disturbing/thought provoking. In this one, more aptly titled "husband swap," a … [Continue reading] about
Back in the Ukraine It seems like such an obvious point, someone must have made it. But snichols emerges from a turkey haze to wonder: why is that people are shutting down the entire country and factories in the Ukraine because the opposition … [Continue reading] about
Why is snichols not blogging? snichols is not really sure why she hasn't blogged this week. She is not, contrary to popular belief, still rocking alone in the dark in a room moaning "mommy." You forget. snichols lives in California where you must … [Continue reading] about
Randi Rhodes Rants Hey, snichols doesn'tt know whether to put any stock in it, because snichols has found her to be wrong at times before, but Randi Rhodes, afternoon host for Air America Radio, has quite a rant going about the election. She is … [Continue reading] about
Unbelievably profane and cathartic (not for the faint of heart): http://www.fuckthesouth.com … [Continue reading] about
The MSNBC link made hot. … [Continue reading] about
Hope and Dreams Presumed Dead Okay, snichols is coming out of the closet: snichols doesn't want to get any more emails telling her why not to slit her wrists or leave the country or how we need to stop whining and organize. She is not through … [Continue reading] about