(:)(:)(:)(:) Four Snouts up for I "Heart" Huckabees Nothing to shake you out of a post-election slump like a good movie, but hey, snichols would call this one great. It's her new favorite movie. Jeez, what's not to like? Lily Tomlin and Dustin … [Continue reading] about
Frustration with your comments--methodology For months snichols has set up the blog so that you can comment freely and have it posted either anonymously or not without her editing or intervention. Yet none of you ever avail yourselves of this offer. … [Continue reading] about
Culture Clash at the New Safeway Everything about the spankin' new Safeway on 19th screams upscale mom, shop here: cool architectural features, gourmet items and corresponding wines everywhere, organic meats and vegetables prominently displayed. But … [Continue reading] about
Another reader (who is remaining nameless, only because it's 11:41pm and I forgot to ask his permission) doesn’t blame the “whole defeat” on gay marriage, but notes: that homophobia was used as a tactic in this election to a degree we have never … [Continue reading] about
snichols concedes... After thinking it over last night, snichols is ready to concede the election to George Bush. The time for division is through...screeetch! NOOOOOOOO!!!! snichols spent all day keeping busy, retail therapy and the like; the … [Continue reading] about
No on Prop 64 Ads Even though its proponents, the Chamber of Commerce and big tobacco and oil have been outspending its opponents by more than 10 to 1, this initiative may be going down. Part of the reason may be these great tv ads gotten out by the … [Continue reading] about
Bill's Excited Today... ...and it isn't just because I slept with my hair in curlers last night to prepare for creating "helmet hair" for the most terrifying costume I could think of: a Republican woman (red suit with matching pumps, big pearls, hair … [Continue reading] about
Zogby Predicts Kerry will Win According to Bill, Zogby himself appeared on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart yesterday and in response to Jon's question of who will win the election, predicted Kerry will win due to the undecided factor breaking against … [Continue reading] about
Word on the Street Positive responses all around to yesterday's blog give me the courage to blog exhaustedly tonight as well. Anne B. reports people calling her cell phone back from Colorado to California to report that they are supporting … [Continue reading] about
Current thoughts Look. I've been too busy actually working to try to guarantee the outcome of this election to blog about it. And that's a good thing. So stop with the complaints already. You're all out doing it too, I think. Anyway, … [Continue reading] about
Bill Magavern's California/Sacramento Ballot Measure Recommendations* *Annoted By Snichols--in other words--in all instances Snichols agrees with Bill except where noted [Note: out-of-state readers need not care now but be prepared to care 3 years … [Continue reading] about
Magavern Report Over breakfast today Bill observes that today's polls show Kerry ahead in the "battleground" states and behind nationally raising the realistic chance that Kerry will win the electoral college and lose the popular vote. Sara (after a … [Continue reading] about