Yesterday I helped produce a cutting edge live webcast in Los Angeles sponsored by Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California and the California League of Conservation Voters. It has former State Senator Sheila Kuehl hosting asking women leaders … [Read more...] about Women’s Webcast for Boxer/Brown
Archives for October 2010
“My” ballot measure voting recommendations
Those who know me well know who really wrote these ballot recommendations, but I agree with them all and so I'm passing them off as mine. Please distribute widely.Proposition 19 -- YesLegalizes Marijuana Under California but Not Federal Law. Permits … [Read more...] about “My” ballot measure voting recommendations
Four Snouts up for Mauritius at Capital Stage
(:)(:)(:)(:) for Mauritus by Theresa Rebeck playing now at the Capital Stage in Old Sacramento. I should have known that this play was written by a woman. Even though, as the Sacramento Bee review suggests, the playwright is clearly deeply influenced … [Read more...] about Four Snouts up for Mauritius at Capital Stage
Mad Men feminist?
In 10-10-10 Washington Post yesterday, Stephanie Coontz of Evergreen College argues persuasively "Why Mad Men is TV's most feminist show" To make her point she walks us through the realism of the stark sexism, sexual harassment and reduced options … [Read more...] about Mad Men feminist?
Four Snouts Up for It’s Kind of a Funny Story
(:)(:)(:)(:) for It's Kind of a Funny Story in theaters now, at least in Sacramento. The blurb review from the SF Chron that I read prior to this movie was insubstantial, something like, "3 1/2 stars, kid checks himself into a psych ward and wants … [Read more...] about Four Snouts Up for It’s Kind of a Funny Story
Why the revolution will not be tweeted.
ANNALS OF INNOVATIONSMALL CHANGEWhy the revolution will not be Malcolm GladwellOCTOBER 4, 2010Social media can’t provide what social change has always required.At four-thirty in the afternoon on Monday, February 1, 1960, four college … [Read more...] about Why the revolution will not be tweeted.