A rag tag but decent sized mob of public financing supporters thronged through the capitol today armed with full-sized brooms to help them "clean up Sacramento." After all of us marched into Senate leader pro tem Perata's office, it suddently … [Continue reading] about Bizarre Antics in the Elections Committee Today
Beware of Frozen Juice
Many people walk around every day blissfully unaware of the dangers that lurk in the frozen food section of every grocery. Such was the case with me, prior to today that is. I was attacked today by a can of Minute Maid orange juice (with added … [Continue reading] about Beware of Frozen Juice
The Dark Side of the Mood
(:)(:)(:)(:) for Magnolia viewed on DVD this evening at home. I became aware of this film in the following way:Bill: Wanna watch Magnolia with me tonight?snichols: What is it?Bill: It's a DVD I got from Netflix.snichols: No. I mean, what's … [Continue reading] about The Dark Side of the Mood
Three and a Half Snouts Up for Bride and Prejudice
(:)(:)(:)(. for Bride and Prejudice the so-called Bollywood take on Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. I absolutely loved it and it may be one of my new favorite movies, so in my heart it will always be a 4-snouter. I loved the romance, the music, … [Continue reading] about Three and a Half Snouts Up for Bride and Prejudice
Let’s be truthful about the filibuster
So the Washington Post is reporting today that Frist Likely to Push for Ban on Filibusters. This is bad news in the short term because it runs the risk of taking away the supermajority lever that the 44 Democratic Senators have on judicial … [Continue reading] about Let’s be truthful about the filibuster
Will Tom Umberg Stay True to his Conscience?
I have always liked California Assemblymember Tom Umberg from Orange County. When he was in the Assembly the first time, before term limits and the "new Orange County," it was what we insiders like to call a tough seat. A Democrat had a genuinely … [Continue reading] about Will Tom Umberg Stay True to his Conscience?
Talk to Her
(:)(:)(:)(:) Four snouts up for Pedro Almodovar's Talk to Her -- a wonderful haunting film about two men involved with women in comas. I've been meaning to see it for years. I generally like Almodovar films. This one came like 2 weeks ago from … [Continue reading] about Talk to Her
The Art of Control
I'm trying to release control over things. Like the blog. I stopped sending the posts to everyone so that people could make a choice of coming to read it. Frightening for me that they might not.At home, we've instituted a new system for getting … [Continue reading] about The Art of Control
Unions vs. Corporations
It's a worthwhile observation that the commentors make on the last post about the difference between shareholders and union members--shareholders having considerably more choice in what company they invest in than which union they join. That point … [Continue reading] about Unions vs. Corporations
Sauce for the Corporation
The most annoying aspirant to the California ballot this year is a proposition to restrict public employee unions from spending political money without getting written permission from each member of the union before spending their dues.Today in From … [Continue reading] about Sauce for the Corporation
Kosher Adultery
What's on snichols' bedside table? Kosher Adultery: seduce and sin with your spouse by Shmuley Boteach. She'd give this book so far (:)(:)(:)(:) 4 snouts up, but remember, she's not through with reading it and may never be (it's overdue at the … [Continue reading] about Kosher Adultery
On snichols’ bedside table
Today we launch a new segment entitled "on snichols' bedside table" in which we get to find out what snichols thinks of various books as she is reading them--this is crucial since it could take her years to finish any of the books she is … [Continue reading] about On snichols’ bedside table