For once the Democrats in the U. S. Senate are standing their ground on something and have really blocked Bolton's nomination, for the time being. Meanwhile, an embittered and frustrated Bush White House threatens to send Bolton to the UN as a … [Continue reading] about Go Senate Dems!
Hollywood films Reflect Political Tensions
(:)(:) for the new Star Wars film; (:)(:)(:)(: for Cinderella Man.I have always been fascinated by the extent to which no matter what era a movie is set in, its dialogue, vision and look reflect the times in which it is made as much or more as the … [Continue reading] about Hollywood films Reflect Political Tensions
The Bee and the Budget
I didn't like the headline in the Sacramento Bee this morning which reads "Budget Plan Voted Down: a Democratic proposal without tax hikes fails to entice GOP as -- no surprise -- a deadline passes" (the link above to the Bee story on-line has a … [Continue reading] about The Bee and the Budget
(:)(:)(:)(:) for Mad Hot Ballroom
This adorable documentary about a mandatory ballroom dancing competition for New York City 4th and 5th graders is impossibly moving. It's a lot about dancing, but it's also about coming of age, about children's attitudes towards life, love and sex … [Continue reading] about (:)(:)(:)(:) for Mad Hot Ballroom
Love That Bob (radio, that is)
I am hooked the new on 92.1fm "Bob" radio station in Sacramento. Bill told me about the new Jack and Bob radio formats a few weeks ago and I listened with half an ear, "uh-uh...sounds good...oh really?" that sort of thing.Then I found Bob at 92.1fm … [Continue reading] about Love That Bob (radio, that is)
John Diaz Said it Better than I Could
John Diaz, editorial editor of the San Francisco Chronicle had the same rant I did yesterday about the California Assembly Democrats. Pulling no punches he tells the story of their walk of shame. I forgot to mention, of course, the pivotal gay … [Continue reading] about John Diaz Said it Better than I Could
The Assembly Democrats are Worse than Ever
I don't have the energy to do it justice, but you all should know that the Democrats in the California State Assembly have been acting up big time again in the past 2 weeks--they're worse than ever and it's just not tolerable.Last week most notably … [Continue reading] about The Assembly Democrats are Worse than Ever
(:)(:)(:)(: Cleveland Orchestra at Mondavi Center
Despite the fact that it's from Cleveland, the Cleveland Orchestra is world renowned for its precision and virtuosity. So, although I know next to nothing about classical music and have no business having opinions about it, I am thrilled to accompany … [Continue reading] about (:)(:)(:)(: Cleveland Orchestra at Mondavi Center
Spanglish is Magnifico!
(:)(:)(:)(:) for Spanglish just reviewed on DVD. It's been a helluva month and I haven't prioritized the blog lately, but let me say I had NO idea how good a movie this was. I just thought it'd be decent hollywood fluff. Wrong. This movie is … [Continue reading] about Spanglish is Magnifico!
More on the Judges and Those Senate Dems
I like that the word on the street in DC is that the White House is even more unhappy than "our" side. And I see that is crowing about the victory, but that still doesn't do it for me. See, this way mell have been a big victory for the … [Continue reading] about More on the Judges and Those Senate Dems
Yay, We Win! Priscilla Owens will be a Federal Judge!
So let me get this right: 3 judges (so far to the right ideologically that usually wimpy Senate Democrats threatened to filibuster their confirmation) will be appointed to the bench in a Democratically-annointed deal. And we're supposed to be happy … [Continue reading] about Yay, We Win! Priscilla Owens will be a Federal Judge!
The Pushback
I must be changing because a phenomenon known in the personal growth community as "the pushback" is occurring to me. The "pushback" happens when people around you notice that something is different, either they can put their finger on it or they … [Continue reading] about The Pushback