John Diaz, editorial editor of the San Francisco Chronicle had the same rant I did yesterday about the California Assembly Democrats. Pulling no punches he tells the story of their walk of shame. I forgot to mention, of course, the pivotal gay … [Continue reading] about John Diaz Said it Better than I Could
The Assembly Democrats are Worse than Ever
I don't have the energy to do it justice, but you all should know that the Democrats in the California State Assembly have been acting up big time again in the past 2 weeks--they're worse than ever and it's just not tolerable.Last week most notably … [Continue reading] about The Assembly Democrats are Worse than Ever
(:)(:)(:)(: Cleveland Orchestra at Mondavi Center
Despite the fact that it's from Cleveland, the Cleveland Orchestra is world renowned for its precision and virtuosity. So, although I know next to nothing about classical music and have no business having opinions about it, I am thrilled to accompany … [Continue reading] about (:)(:)(:)(: Cleveland Orchestra at Mondavi Center
Spanglish is Magnifico!
(:)(:)(:)(:) for Spanglish just reviewed on DVD. It's been a helluva month and I haven't prioritized the blog lately, but let me say I had NO idea how good a movie this was. I just thought it'd be decent hollywood fluff. Wrong. This movie is … [Continue reading] about Spanglish is Magnifico!
More on the Judges and Those Senate Dems
I like that the word on the street in DC is that the White House is even more unhappy than "our" side. And I see that is crowing about the victory, but that still doesn't do it for me. See, this way mell have been a big victory for the … [Continue reading] about More on the Judges and Those Senate Dems
Yay, We Win! Priscilla Owens will be a Federal Judge!
So let me get this right: 3 judges (so far to the right ideologically that usually wimpy Senate Democrats threatened to filibuster their confirmation) will be appointed to the bench in a Democratically-annointed deal. And we're supposed to be happy … [Continue reading] about Yay, We Win! Priscilla Owens will be a Federal Judge!
The Pushback
I must be changing because a phenomenon known in the personal growth community as "the pushback" is occurring to me. The "pushback" happens when people around you notice that something is different, either they can put their finger on it or they … [Continue reading] about The Pushback
Phil And Thropy
I have said before that a fundamental problem in American life is asking for too little. Nowhere is this more clear than in the case of public interest advocacy organizations who are constantly jumping through hoops to create a "new" program for … [Continue reading] about Phil And Thropy
Social Security Media Apology
I have had trouble blogging the past couple days because I am writing too many other things--it's funny, it's not a time issue so much as a something to say issue. If you're not familiar with the Center for Economic and Policy Research --get … [Continue reading] about Social Security Media Apology
How to Make Real Change in the World
No, this is not like those hilarious old SNL commercials for "The Change Bank" (we can give you 2 dimes and a nickel for a quarter; or we can give you 25 pennies; it's all up to you; the secret is volume). But there is a connection between change … [Continue reading] about How to Make Real Change in the World
The Politics of Blogging
Some of my faithful readers have been complaining of late at my lack of "political" content. Although I would call my readers attention to recent posts of April 27, 25 and 19, I do admit, the content lately has been more personal than political.But … [Continue reading] about The Politics of Blogging
The Storm Before the Calm
After working for a while to clean out my son's closet, I made the mistake of taking a break to look around the room: total chaos. A pile of stuff to give away in one corner; another coupla things to move into my closet; recycling; trash; mismatched … [Continue reading] about The Storm Before the Calm