My friend Vince Marchand called to my attention this fascinating post on The Daily Kos by Senator Barak Obama regarding the need for progressives to be more thoughtful and respectful. It’s worth reading. I think I agree with much of it, even though it contradicts some of my favorite ongoing political rants.
Please read it and let me know what you think..
One of the reasons I’ve always liked and respected Russ Feingold is that he follows his own conscience.
Thanks for posting this link. A little earlier in the day, I posted a comment to one of my correspondents on a discussion list. It is as follwos:
I’m sorry that I don’t share your delight on the political tsunami that is hitting our country. I think it is sad and tragic that the Republicans are being proven so corrupt and so wrong.
Although I believe that progressive ideas are what’s best to advance the welfare of our citizens, I am not such an ideologue that I have this great need to be right. A part of me always wants those who say they have a better way to prove it and so prove me wrong. If their way is better, that is it can fulfill its promise of success, then who am I to argue if it does prove successful?
I am especially uneasy because my own political party seems to be three steps behind when it comes to articulating an alternate vision of governance. I saw Nancy Pelosi’s press briefing today. Although she was able to list a few ideas, there was no glue. No overall conception that people can grab onto. When asked about having a plan, she said something like they’re putting one together. For instance, she said that there should be a 10 year plan for energy independence, but she offered no ideas of how that would be achieved.
How come we don’t have a professor Gingrich who can devise and implement a practical and achievable plan to retake the government? The “Contract with America” was master stroke. Forget that it proved largely to be just a power grab, it was full of ideas that were credibly presented to the American voters. We need a plan that embraces the hopes and dreams of middle America, a plan that respects traditional values while at the same time expands the tolerance and rights of surpressed minorities. These are not mutually exclusive values.
Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not pining for the Bush Administration and its minions. I’m pining for my Country ’tis of thee, sweet land of (lost) liberty.
Just thought I’d share.