So there's some sort of rumor flying about in Washington that President Bush is considering appointing Senator Joe "I lost Florida" Lieberman to be Secretary of Defense (or at least, Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) treated it as a serious possibility in … [Continue reading] about Rumors about Lieberman
Air America & Mark Maron
Air America has grown in the year and a half it's been on from airing on 15 stations to some 84 stations across the country. Its shows are beating right-wing talk shows in many many markets.Here in Sacramento, Air America started out on Talk City … [Continue reading] about Air America & Mark Maron
The Trial Lawyers Get Smart
The Consumer Attorneys of California, as they are known to me, or "trial lawyers" as they are known to the world, finally got smart enough to start doing some affirmative public relations for the civil justice system.And they enlisted two of my … [Continue reading] about The Trial Lawyers Get Smart
Food For Thought
I am simultaneously encouraged and worried by this blog posting by Dan Weintraub lastMonday on Clean Money. Dan makes the point that Democrats receive more corporatemoney than Republicans and later says that the left supports public financing of … [Continue reading] about Food For Thought
They’re Just Crazy Enough to Do it
Here's the thing: I've been encouraged by the chaos in the Republican party lately. The environmentalist House Republicans defections in the amendment to the budget deal on drilling the Alaska Natural Wildlife Reserve was a thing of beauty.And then … [Continue reading] about They’re Just Crazy Enough to Do it
Gunfighter a Brilliant Tour de Force
This just in: time and space are mere illusions. So go back in time and cross space to see Gunfighter: A Gulf War Chronicle directed by Katie Laris at the Santa Barbara City College, running October 21st through November 5th. I can attest that the … [Continue reading] about Gunfighter a Brilliant Tour de Force
Nodding at the She-Mob
What a pleasure to be at the release party for She-Mob's new album, Not in My World, this past Saturday at the Starry Plough in Berkeley. Mostly, I just love the idea that I, a middle-aged mother of two, am friends with a punk-rocker: Suki … [Continue reading] about Nodding at the She-Mob
Hurray for CNA!
When all is said and done, the turning point in being able to beat this special election came when Arnold made the mistake of attacking the California Nurses Association.He shoulda asked SEIU first: you just do not pick on CNA. They may seem like a … [Continue reading] about Hurray for CNA!
Here are my husband's famous ballot recommendations for how to vote in the special election in California, Tuesday, November 8th--it's pretty easy this time. Please forward them to anyone who think might need them:From Bill:Yes, the very existence of … [Continue reading] about BILL MAGAVERN’S BALLOT RECOMMENDATIONS, NOVEMBER 2005
E for Treasurer
Our daughter E (almost 9) is running for Treasurer of her Elementary School Student Council. It was tough for her and her brother to work out who should run. Strategically it was decided that a 4th grader had a better shot at Treasurer than a 5th … [Continue reading] about E for Treasurer
The “other” Sara Nichols
The time has come to publically acknowledge the other Sara Nichols. I've never met her, but she's increasingly becoming a factor in my life by being in slightly overlapping circles, and generally more high profile than I.I am an attorney and am … [Continue reading] about The “other” Sara Nichols
Good news, bad news
I'm trying to blog every single day. The result? I often will have very little to say. Some snippets. Last night I hosted an alumni function in the common house of my cohousing community. Everyone in the greater Sacramento area was invited. The RSVPs … [Continue reading] about Good news, bad news