Too tired to say much, but before the week passes I'll just observe a few things:1) Although I voted for Westly, I am perfectly happy to see Angelides win. I'm told he gives a helluva barnburner on the stump and as the more progressive choice if he … [Continue reading] about Thoughts on the California Primary Election
3 Snouts Up for An Inconvenient Truth
(:)(:)(:) for An Inconvenient Truth better known as "that Al Gore global warming movie." Despite the lack of a 4th snout, this is a must see. The movie is basically a high tech version of Al Gore's internationally shown slide show on global warming … [Continue reading] about 3 Snouts Up for An Inconvenient Truth
It WAS a booth BTW
A number of people have asked if I was REALLY in a booth a week before election day. The answer is yes. And no, not a booth at Denny's, or a fair. A real elections booth at the County Board of Elections.Of course, there was no reason I needed to … [Continue reading] about It WAS a booth BTW
Weintraub–right and wrong
I'm grateful to have my last post be referenced by Dan Weintraub in his Insider blog today, although it makes me nervous if it means that he agrees with my reasoning--Dan and I don't usually agree.In particular, I thought he missed the boat in a … [Continue reading] about Weintraub–right and wrong
Why I voted for Steve Westly Today
I have never been as undecided in a primary election before as I was filling out the ovals today to elect who would be the Democrat to challenge Arnold Schwarzenegger for Governor of California. I stood for a full 10 minutes in the booth reviewing … [Continue reading] about Why I voted for Steve Westly Today
Clinton and McCain–Through the Looking Glass
I can't be the only one who has noticed the unpleasant parallels between Hillary Clinton and John McCain's candidacies for president, all of which spell doom for Democrats (which is kind of like cuckoo for Cocoapuffs, but less sweet).Actually I … [Continue reading] about Clinton and McCain–Through the Looking Glass
Fifty Angry Citizens (including me) Storm Capitol Leaders’ Offices
Read what two other bloggers had to say about it--in the Daily Kos and in Frank Russo's The California Progress Report (which has pictures of the sit-in).Since these guys cover it well, I'll refrain from writing about it because I'm now banned from … [Continue reading] about Fifty Angry Citizens (including me) Storm Capitol Leaders’ Offices
Will the Senate Dems Do the Right Thing?
In a year with the public clamoring for reform in Washington and Sacramento, the California Legislature seems poised to kill AB 583, the California Clean Money and Clean Elections bill by Assemblymember Loni Hancock (D-Berkeley) tomorrow in the … [Continue reading] about Will the Senate Dems Do the Right Thing?
Must See TV–the Colbert Clip
I'm very late on this, behind virtually every blogger in America, but if there's any chance that you haven't yet watched Stephen Colbert's performance at the White House correspondence dinner, click above to get it.Even though all of it is … [Continue reading] about Must See TV–the Colbert Clip
Can Wal-Mart ever do the right thing?
This is a reprinting of my quarterly column Eye on the Pie, Spring 2006--but I'm gonna start writing again! In the classic choice, people almost always pick the bad news to hear first—they want to cut to the chase. But when the bad … [Continue reading] about Can Wal-Mart ever do the right thing?
Pray for George
This a reprinting of my quarterly column--Eye on the Pie which appears in Rudolf's Diner. Please pass it on and Pray for George. I am beginning to believe that we need to start a national movement called “Pray for George” in which we concertedly … [Continue reading] about Pray for George
Medicare hell
First blog in over a month. I am consumed with getting my business off the ground and passing the public financing of elections bill through the California legislature and can't seem to fit the daily blog into my busy routine.Howsomever.I need to … [Continue reading] about Medicare hell