I’m grateful to have my last post be referenced by Dan Weintraub in his Insider blog today, although it makes me nervous if it means that he agrees with my reasoning–Dan and I don’t usually agree.
In particular, I thought he missed the boat in a recent column of his. Although he properly decried the amount of special interest money in the governor’s race, I think he was wrong to reject public financing of elections as a likely way out of this morass of corruption and greed.
True, getting clean money into politics would not be a panacea–but the real evidence from 2 full publicly-financed elections cycles in Maine and Arizona suggests strongly that having a clean mechanism for running for office makes a difference. More average people run for office and win. More people register to vote and vote.
And yes, business as usual continues: public officials still vote with the people who financed their elections.
The difference? With public financing it’s the voters who financed the elections. Visit www.caclean.org to find out more about how you can help pass clean money legislation in California.
I got this comment from a friend who wishes to remain anonymous:
Sara, I agree with you.
The differences between Steve and Phil pale when we look at the state of total war we were in with Schwarzenegger last year. Schwarzenegger is a classic abuser type. He won the recall and he went wild with power. He lost in 2005, he came back with flowers and tried to kiss and make up. If he wins in 06 – watch out.
This election is reminiscent of the 92 Presidential. Clinton wasn’t the most liberal, but he sure looked good after Bush Sr, and he could win.
Remember the vicious attack Angelides did on Dave Roberti in the primary in the 94 Treasurer’s race? It sickened many Democratic activists who sat out the general and Phil went down to defeat. The story is available on the LA Time site: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-cap29may29,1,2348823.column?coll=la-headlines-california&ctrack=1&cset=true It left a bad taste about Phil that never went away.
I’ve know Steve Westly personally for about 24 years going back to local San Mateo County Democratic party work. Steve is a friend.
Steve’s a genuine decent person – not a big ego- and he treats people, including staff, with respect. Maybe I’m too involved in politics up close, but how pols treat people is a factor that I weigh, when policy differences are minor.
Bottom line – wining in November. The thought of four years of the Groper motivates me plenty. Steve is our best shot in November.