(:) out of a possible five snouts for Troy on DVD. For some reason something I read or heard made me think that this might actually be a good or at least enjoyable flick (I initially wrote "film" but that ain't it). So, despite having avoided His … [Continue reading] about One Snout Up for Troy on DVD
Four Snouts up for The History Boys
I proudly join the North American Man Boy Love Association in giving (:)(:)(:)(:) out of a possible five snouts up for The History Boys, a film version of a successful British play.The film, set in 1983 (with the soundtrack to prove it) focusses on … [Continue reading] about Four Snouts up for The History Boys
Three Snouts Up for Outsourced
(:)(:)(:) out of a possible five for the new movie Outsourced starring a promising Josh Hamilton (and delightful co-star Ayesha Dharker) and directed by John Jeffcoat of Seattle. The movie is about a man who is obliged to go to India to train his … [Continue reading] about Three Snouts Up for Outsourced
Oh to be easy in the harness
Driving with a decaf soy latte through the fuchsia orange sunrise of Palm Springs brought me this gem at my morning meeting:"You have freedom when you're easy in the harness" said Robert FrostThis week I have felt uneasy in my harness. I have longed … [Continue reading] about Oh to be easy in the harness
Did we really need an additional federal holiday today?
Don't get me wrong, I revere Gerald Ford as much as the next person (I'm in Palm Springs now for crying out loud, what more can I do to show my respect?), but did we really need Congress to declare an additional random federal holiday today? I … [Continue reading] about Did we really need an additional federal holiday today?
No resolutions for me
I realized the other day: another new year is upon me, and I don't have a big long list of improvements to resolve to implement. Why? Because every of day of my life is fucking new year's day. I don't get it Sara, are bitter about this, or … [Continue reading] about No resolutions for me
Joe Dunn and CMA
This is old news, but I haven't blogged about it yet. Former state senator Joe Dunn (d-Orange County), who used to be a plaintiff's lawyer and has always been close to the Consumer Attorneys of California, is the new chief lobbyist for the … [Continue reading] about Joe Dunn and CMA
White elephant gift, people unclear on the concept?
The other day I was in the store Mixed Bag on K street in Sacramento (where everything they sell is small--it's ingenious. You pick this $5 item, this $6 item, next thing you know you're up at the cash register dropping $150 bucks and you can't … [Continue reading] about White elephant gift, people unclear on the concept?
Dining Alone–the exciting world of un-eviting
So far 323 people are confirmed for thanksgiving dinner at my house next week and 53 more are considering it. How did I get so lucky? I sent out a message not inviting them. Turns out today's busy people are highly motivated to respond to a … [Continue reading] about Dining Alone–the exciting world of un-eviting
I called for change, have you?
Off and on this week, I've phonebanked potential votes for Democrats in tight congressional races around the country through MoveOn.org's amazing website. You can do like 3 calls from your desk right now. If you only have one moment to devote, do … [Continue reading] about I called for change, have you?
Jack Abramoff on Prop 89
I got this email from "Jack Abramoff" today. He's very concerned about Prop 89. Sara Dear Reform-Minded Voter, If Prop 89 becomes law, lobbyists like me will not have the power we … [Continue reading] about Jack Abramoff on Prop 89
LA Times Blogger Mocks my Prayer
A few days ago, in the waning days of the campaign, I wrote a private prayer for the Proposition 89 campaign team and sent it everyone inside the campaign by email. I got a number of private emails back from staff thanking me for it and admitting … [Continue reading] about LA Times Blogger Mocks my Prayer