Thanks to the many friends who called and emailed me love and concern after my raw posting yesterday--truly lovely to know that people out there care--I'm doing better today principally by looking at the many things for which I have to be … [Continue reading] about A Reckoning Deferred?
No pain, no gain?
Today I am struggling, walking around without skin, raw nerve-endings exposed to the world. The good news is that this is what I signed up for. I have consciously called forth seeing myself clearly. Some days this is what it looks like. The bad … [Continue reading] about No pain, no gain?
Dina’s Diary–a breast cancer survivor
My friend Dina Howard survived a harrowing year of breast cancer last year. She documented much of it on sophisticated audio equipment borrowed from our local public radio station. The station ended up boiling it down to a powerful hour which they … [Continue reading] about Dina’s Diary–a breast cancer survivor
Unconventional Mango
Today, at Whole Foods, I noticed a sign outside advertising "conventional mangos." I toyed with asking where they keep the unconventional mangos. Wouldn't that be frightening?I already have enough trouble with mangos, their overly fragrant selves … [Continue reading] about Unconventional Mango
The Governor’s got Weintraub all to himself
In yesterday's Sacramento Bee, Dan Weintraub got it right when he wrote "the Governor's got the political center all to himself." The piece pointed out important truths often forgotten in the California legislature, namely that while registered … [Continue reading] about The Governor’s got Weintraub all to himself
One Snout Up for Troy on DVD
(:) out of a possible five snouts for Troy on DVD. For some reason something I read or heard made me think that this might actually be a good or at least enjoyable flick (I initially wrote "film" but that ain't it). So, despite having avoided His … [Continue reading] about One Snout Up for Troy on DVD
Four Snouts up for The History Boys
I proudly join the North American Man Boy Love Association in giving (:)(:)(:)(:) out of a possible five snouts up for The History Boys, a film version of a successful British play.The film, set in 1983 (with the soundtrack to prove it) focusses on … [Continue reading] about Four Snouts up for The History Boys
Three Snouts Up for Outsourced
(:)(:)(:) out of a possible five for the new movie Outsourced starring a promising Josh Hamilton (and delightful co-star Ayesha Dharker) and directed by John Jeffcoat of Seattle. The movie is about a man who is obliged to go to India to train his … [Continue reading] about Three Snouts Up for Outsourced
Oh to be easy in the harness
Driving with a decaf soy latte through the fuchsia orange sunrise of Palm Springs brought me this gem at my morning meeting:"You have freedom when you're easy in the harness" said Robert FrostThis week I have felt uneasy in my harness. I have longed … [Continue reading] about Oh to be easy in the harness
Did we really need an additional federal holiday today?
Don't get me wrong, I revere Gerald Ford as much as the next person (I'm in Palm Springs now for crying out loud, what more can I do to show my respect?), but did we really need Congress to declare an additional random federal holiday today? I … [Continue reading] about Did we really need an additional federal holiday today?
No resolutions for me
I realized the other day: another new year is upon me, and I don't have a big long list of improvements to resolve to implement. Why? Because every of day of my life is fucking new year's day. I don't get it Sara, are bitter about this, or … [Continue reading] about No resolutions for me
Joe Dunn and CMA
This is old news, but I haven't blogged about it yet. Former state senator Joe Dunn (d-Orange County), who used to be a plaintiff's lawyer and has always been close to the Consumer Attorneys of California, is the new chief lobbyist for the … [Continue reading] about Joe Dunn and CMA