(:)(:)(:)(:) out of a possible five snouts up for the travelling production of Lacandona or When the Stars Fall which I saw at Cal State Sacramento billed as children's theater. For the most part, this amazing performance art of dance, song and … [Continue reading] about Four Snouts up for When the Stars Fall
Get real about the real estate market
Is it just me, or is ridiculous for people to talk about not selling because of the downturn in the real estate market? I'm talking about people who have owned property in California for years. This is just sillyness.You don't hold on to your house, … [Continue reading] about Get real about the real estate market
3 Snouts up for Curse of the Golden Flower
(:)(:)(:) out of a possible 5 snouts for Curse of the Golden Flower now playing in art houses everywhere. This film like many directed by Zhang Yimou has everything you would want in a big Chinese epic: Chow Yun Fat, Gong Li, glorious color and … [Continue reading] about 3 Snouts up for Curse of the Golden Flower
Three Snouts Up for Syriana on DVD
(:)(:)(:) out of a possible five snouts up for Syriana, executive produced by George Clooney. I was disappointed in this movie.I expected a sort of freshness and honesty or something shocking or a sort of critical quality that was beyond what I had … [Continue reading] about Three Snouts Up for Syriana on DVD
3 Snouts Up for “Freedom Writers”
(:)(:)(:) out of a possible 5 snouts up for Freedom Writers starring Hilary Swank and directed by Richard LaGravanese playing in movie theaters everywhere now.This is one of those films that is driven entirely by narrative--a great story to tell. … [Continue reading] about 3 Snouts Up for “Freedom Writers”
Mundane prediction
Someday when newspapers and newsprint are obsolete, someone will manufacture wrapping paper made to look like retro newspaper wrapping paper. … [Continue reading] about Mundane prediction
Unclear on the Concept
Well, my "raw" posting the other day occasioned a lot of concern. And while I am grateful for everyone's thoughts. I feel the need to explain. I intend to write on my blog at least 5 days a week, preferably every day. I never promised that the … [Continue reading] about Unclear on the Concept
A Reckoning Deferred?
Thanks to the many friends who called and emailed me love and concern after my raw posting yesterday--truly lovely to know that people out there care--I'm doing better today principally by looking at the many things for which I have to be … [Continue reading] about A Reckoning Deferred?
No pain, no gain?
Today I am struggling, walking around without skin, raw nerve-endings exposed to the world. The good news is that this is what I signed up for. I have consciously called forth seeing myself clearly. Some days this is what it looks like. The bad … [Continue reading] about No pain, no gain?
Dina’s Diary–a breast cancer survivor
My friend Dina Howard survived a harrowing year of breast cancer last year. She documented much of it on sophisticated audio equipment borrowed from our local public radio station. The station ended up boiling it down to a powerful hour which they … [Continue reading] about Dina’s Diary–a breast cancer survivor
Unconventional Mango
Today, at Whole Foods, I noticed a sign outside advertising "conventional mangos." I toyed with asking where they keep the unconventional mangos. Wouldn't that be frightening?I already have enough trouble with mangos, their overly fragrant selves … [Continue reading] about Unconventional Mango
The Governor’s got Weintraub all to himself
In yesterday's Sacramento Bee, Dan Weintraub got it right when he wrote "the Governor's got the political center all to himself." The piece pointed out important truths often forgotten in the California legislature, namely that while registered … [Continue reading] about The Governor’s got Weintraub all to himself