Yesterday, the Prop 89 campaign went statewide with a new television ad and today the remarkable ad is the number one rated news video on YouTube. “Stop the Pounding” is the brainchild of Bill Hillsman, who engineered Jesse Ventura’s victory, as well as Ned Lamont’s primary win.
Los Angeles Times reporter Bob Salladay wrote this morning that the new ad “is one of the slickest and most engaging political ads in California right now. Which is ironic, because the ad argues for a halt to the oleaginous, overly simplistic but sometimes engaging political ads that dominate the airwaves during election season.”
Watch the Ad:
Read Salladay’s review:
“Initiative Backers Produce Ad Calling For End To TV Ads”
Please help keep this ad on the air by making a contribution on the campaign’s secure online server:
For the latest campaign roundup, see yesterday’s Sacramento Bee: