Ose and the Arena
snichols can’t be bothered to read the papers, but then, she doesn’t have to. She just talks to snicholspouse and all is revealed.
He salvaged one moment of a horrendously attenuated and poorly thought out meal at the Melting Pot with snicholsmom and kids this evening, with the one tidbit I didn’t have to cook myself and dip in sauce to enjoy.
snicholspouse: Didja see the Natomas arena deal officially fell through today? I wish we could take credit for torpedoing it, but some proposals are so bad they sink of their own weight.
snichols: No. Cool. Hey, maybe I can get the manager to cancel the 3rd course if I wait for 15 minutes next to the kitchen.
[For the non-Sacramento centric amongst snichols’ readers, we’re speaking here of the prayed for death of a scheme which would have opened up the city’s urban growth boundaries to develop and in the bargain supposedly generated enough money to expand the arena where the Sacramento Kings play passifying their restless owners the Maloofs]
later when the kids are asleep…
snicholspouse says something to the effect of, but snichols is completely mangling it: kind of ironic that {Republican suburban Congressman Doug} Ose was the one who brought it down. His family owns land in that area and he evidently didn’t think it was great deal for them, so now he’s lauding the importance of deciding this growth issue through better channels. He’s always been fine with exploding the urban growth boundaries before.
snichols: Cool. I’m going downstairs to watch Sex in the City.
As one of the aforementioned freeloaders, I join Sara in mourning the loss of this fabulous, fabulous place. Listening to Sara’s story about how she and Bill managed to get access to it was worth the mosquito bites and Sara’s constant nagging to go skinny dipping.
I am now in the market for suggestions as to what to do with my future freeloading time.
As one of the aforementioned freeloaders, I join Sara in mourning the loss of this fabulous, fabulous place. Listening to Sara’s story about how she and Bill managed to get access to it was worth the mosquito bites and Sara’s constant nagging to go skinny dipping.
I am now in the market for suggestions as to what to do with my future freeloading time.