In what is seriously a 3-way dead heat in Iowa, Edwards may be the beneficiary of the animosity between the two presumed front-runner camps.Thanks to Vince Marchand of Sacramento (I say that like I have readers all over the country and as if Vince … [Continue reading] about Could Hillary’s Attacks on Obama Help Edwards?
(:)(:)(:) for The Shaggy Dog (1959)
Three snouts up for The Shaggy Dog (colorized version) made in 1959. I watched this movie the other day with my kids and I was surprised how well it held up. I kind of expected that it would be so silly and predictable that I would have to answer … [Continue reading] about (:)(:)(:) for The Shaggy Dog (1959)
Dead Heat in Iowa?
I don't know how much I have to add to the media buzz on polling out of Iowa this week, but I am interested in this. It seems that there is no front-runner in either party 6 weeks out in the Iowa caucuses, with Obama holding a (probably … [Continue reading] about Dead Heat in Iowa?
I Heart Hillary
I feel defensive after receiving comments on yesterday's blog Prediction: Hillary Clinton will not Win the California Presidential Primary. I wish to clarify: I love Hillary Clinton.Hillary Rodham Clinton is a smart, successful, funny woman. She is … [Continue reading] about I Heart Hillary
Prediction: Hillary Clinton will not Win the California Presidential Primary
I'll let you in on an important political secret: my mother is the unit California Democrat. As she votes, so vote the Democrats of California. As long as I have been tracking it, this has been proven to be true.* And my mother doesn't like … [Continue reading] about Prediction: Hillary Clinton will not Win the California Presidential Primary
Revising the Snout-based rating system
It has come to my attention that my snout-based rating system, as wonderful as it is, needs revision. Many people have emailed and commented about this (btw, have you seen that I have now made it easy to comment? You don't have to register or … [Continue reading] about Revising the Snout-based rating system
(;)(:)(:)(:)(:) for Deepak Chopra, M.D.
Five snouts up for Deepak Chopra. This is the first time I've ever used my snout-based rating system to rate a person, rather than one of their books, movies or plays. But I make an exception for Chopra. I love Chopra. I devour Chopra books and … [Continue reading] about (;)(:)(:)(:)(:) for Deepak Chopra, M.D.
This may be an internet hoax, but what do we have to lose--this was forwarded to me from Cindy Asner, Ed Asner's wife, a Hollywood activist:Pelosi purportedly asks for 10,000 handwritten impeachment letters. Will you send one before Friday?Speaker … [Continue reading] about PELOSI CALLS FOR HANDWRITTEN IMPEACHMENT LETTERS?
Bay Spill, Crises and Public Policy
Listening to an extensive series of interviews yesterday on the Forum show on KQED (Northern California public radio) about the big oil spill in San Francisco bay, I was struck by how strongly crises affect public policy in California, and elsewhere. … [Continue reading] about Bay Spill, Crises and Public Policy
(:)(:)(: for Love in the Time of the Cholera
Two and a half snouts up for Love in the Time of the Cholera soon to be playing in a theater near you. Beautifully filmed and costumed, with an able performance by Javier Bordem in the lead role, nevertheless the film cannot transcend a stagnant … [Continue reading] about (:)(:)(: for Love in the Time of the Cholera
The Ring Cycle–Part III
Spiritual Lessons Learned by Losing (and Finding) my Wedding RingsYou would think, having lost one of my gorgeous antique unique diamond platinum wedding rings out at our spot on the Cosumnes River, I would have learned my lesson but no. On another … [Continue reading] about The Ring Cycle–Part III
Take the Light Rail To Folsom and Ride the American River Parkway
Monday I took my bike on Sacramento's Regional Transit light rail train to the last stop in historic Folsom and then road it all the way back home, some 30 miles along the American River bike path.If biking holds any appeal for you whatsoever, I … [Continue reading] about Take the Light Rail To Folsom and Ride the American River Parkway