1. The Democratic presidential primary. I loved the L.A. Times Editorial for Obama on Saturday (link above and here). I can't possibly improve upon how they said it. This is a historic choice and the right choice is Obama.I can't resist, however, … [Continue reading] about “Nostalgia” for the Clinton Administration; Yes on 93 and other Unsolicited Advice on the California Primary Tomorrow
The Edwards Effect by Paul Krugman
The Edwards EffectBy PAUL KRUGMAN in the New York TimesPublished: February 1, 2008So John Edwards has dropped out of the race for the presidency. By normal political standards, his campaign fell short.Skip to next paragraphPaul Krugman.Go to … [Continue reading] about The Edwards Effect by Paul Krugman
Edwards Fans: Time to Get Serious about Obama
The party's over, Edwards supporters. It's time to switch your allegiance to Obama, fast and furious. I know Edwards says he's still in it, but it's clear that at this point he's not in it to win. He's in it to "make a difference" and to have … [Continue reading] about Edwards Fans: Time to Get Serious about Obama
Bill Magavern’s 2008 California Ballot Rx
Well, they're here! The long-awaited Bill Magavern ballot recommendations. With so many people absentee voting, we get requests for these LONG before the election. Hold your horses, people!!! Unless you are leaving for Europe or a tour of duty, … [Continue reading] about Bill Magavern’s 2008 California Ballot Rx
Watch Obama’s New Hampshire Primary Speech
Listen, I haven't weighed in lately on the Presidential campaign, or anything. Frankly, I've been preoccupied by a health crisis in our son. When he's really sick, I have trouble doing anything extra. So I've kept, up, but not in my thoughts to … [Continue reading] about Watch Obama’s New Hampshire Primary Speech
What My Family is Doing to Eliminate Fascism
While I was emailing a friend threatening to risk a Giuliani presidency rather than vote for Hillary Clinton, my husband was working a little harder to identify and contain fascism. Here's his excellent letter published in today's Sacramento Bee.Top … [Continue reading] about What My Family is Doing to Eliminate Fascism
California Dreaming in the New Hampshire Primary
Not knowing (but suspecting) what may happen in the New Hampshire primary today, here are my musings on the way things are shaping up:Despite my support for Edwards, it is hard not to get swept up in Obama fever. I suspect that if this is true for … [Continue reading] about California Dreaming in the New Hampshire Primary
Juno is Mandatory Viewing
(:)(:)(:)(:) for Juno the sleeper comedy in movie theaters now. I'm a sucker for sweet little films. This movie proves that there are plenty of stories yet to be told and that they are worth telling. It's fresh, it's unpredictable, it's witty and … [Continue reading] about Juno is Mandatory Viewing
“Sitting this one out” by Adolph Reed
Reprinted without permission--I like this piece. I basically agree with everything he says. It is the best cogent articulation I've seen of the dilemma we're in. Why it's simultaneously true that the "serious" candidates of the Democratic party … [Continue reading] about “Sitting this one out” by Adolph Reed
(:)(:)(:) for Escape to Witch Mountain
Three enthusiastic snouts up for Escape to Witch Mountain the 1975 Disney classic. What is happening to me? I'm in this movie period where I have to recover from the violence and gore of today's hollywood with Disney drivel. Yet, there it is, the … [Continue reading] about (:)(:)(:) for Escape to Witch Mountain
(:)(:) for No Country for Old Men
Two snouts up for No Country for Old Men the pointless "thriller" by the Coen brothers (known in Hollywood as "the two-headed director") now playing in movie theaters. I have loved many Coen brothers films despite the violence, Fargo, O Brother … [Continue reading] about (:)(:) for No Country for Old Men
(:)(:)(:)(:) for The Golden Compass
Four snouts up for The Golden Compass opening today in Sacramento, California. I struggled with the number of snouts for this one. It is a beautiful film, with a compelling plot, well-conceived, well-acted, well-written.It held my attention … [Continue reading] about (:)(:)(:)(:) for The Golden Compass