It's been a long dry spell for Snicholblog. What with our son still recovering from his long term illness and me entering ministerial school in January, I haven't had a lot of extra time. But the Sacramento Bee's editor and columnist Dan Weintraub … [Continue reading] about Snicholsblog takes to the Street!
Evita Palin–Don’t Speak for me, Sarah Palin
McCain Can’t Type, but YES WE CAN
This YouTube video was made by disabled people who, unlike McCain, can type. It's very moving. … [Continue reading] about McCain Can’t Type, but YES WE CAN
Prop 10 Girl Says No on Prop 10
If you want Sacramento to look like Phoenix, vote for Kevin Johnson
Please vote for Heather Fargo over Kevin Johnson for Mayor of Sacramento, here's why:Heather Fargo is an experienced, competent mayor (which in our weak mayor city means chair of the city council) who is pro-environment, pro strong neighborhoods and … [Continue reading] about If you want Sacramento to look like Phoenix, vote for Kevin Johnson
Talking points from The polls may be wrong. This is an unprecedented election. No one knows how racism may affect what voters tell pollsters—or what they do in the voting booth. And the polls are narrowing anyway. In the last few days, … [Continue reading] about TOP 5 REASONS OBAMA SUPPORTERS SHOULDN’T REST EASY
Islamophobes, Democracy Now, and Me
Democracy Now with Amy Goodman carried a terrifying segment last Friday on how 25 million copies of a DVD called Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West have been distributed in key battleground states in the last couple of months (at a cost … [Continue reading] about Islamophobes, Democracy Now, and Me
Bill Magavern’s Recommendations for November California Ballot
Recommendations for November BallotThese are strictly my personal opinions, for whatever they're worth. Feel free to forward them or post to web, but please do not add the names of any other individual or organization by way of identification or … [Continue reading] about Bill Magavern’s Recommendations for November California Ballot
Prescription: A healthier global warming plan
By Bill Magavern (published Thursday, October 09, 2008)Even if pictures of stranded polar bears failed to warm your heart, global warming’s effect on your health should get your circulation going. As the California Air Resources Board takes on … [Continue reading] about Prescription: A healthier global warming plan
Tim Wise on White Privilege
PrivilegeA BUZZFLASH GUEST CONTRIBUTION by Tim Wise For those who still can't grasp the concept of white privilege, or who are constantly looking for some easy-to-understand examples of it, perhaps this list will help.White privilege is when you can … [Continue reading] about Tim Wise on White Privilege
Call before (or after) you complain about the bailout
If you're as concerned as I am about the prospect of Congress spending $700 billion to bailout the corrupt financial industry (when they could be spending it to reduce the national debt, fund universal health care, beef up education, rebuild roads, … [Continue reading] about Call before (or after) you complain about the bailout
Obama Best on Iraq, Lame on Economy
Initially I was pleased when I realized the Jim Lehrer was the moderator (much better than any of the random network guys, sorry dearly departed Tim Russert, you were not missed tonight) and that he was leading off with a question about the … [Continue reading] about Obama Best on Iraq, Lame on Economy