(:)(:)(:)(:)(:) for Unaccustomed Earth, a collection of stories by Jhumpa Lahiri (A New York Times Book Review "best book of the year").Obviously if it's winning this prize from the NYT, many people know about this book, but just to give it my plug. … [Continue reading] about Five Snouts up for Jhumpa Lahiri’s Unaccustomed Earth
Want a cozy fire? Wait ’til next summer…
Posted by SaraSNichols at 12/10/2009 8:40 PM PST on The Sacramento BeeI love wood fires. I love them in winter. I like them in my fireplace. I like to sit and read and nap and knit and talk in front of fires. I look forward to winter every year … [Continue reading] about Want a cozy fire? Wait ’til next summer…
Four Snouts up for Star Trek on DVD
(:)(:)(:)(:) for Star Trek just out on DVD. I didn't get to see this movie on the big screen. My husband did and gave it uniformly positive reviews, something like "the best action adventure movie since Spiderman 2." To me, that meant, well, it's … [Continue reading] about Four Snouts up for Star Trek on DVD
Great gift idea/One Place Business is Booming
My brother in Oakland turned me onto this microloan organization called Kiva. I figured that by sending them a donation I was doing a good deed, funding microloans for the purchase of a chicken, goat, sewing machine or the like in developing … [Continue reading] about Great gift idea/One Place Business is Booming
What’s in a name?
I am writing a final exam with a question about the basic precepts of Buddhism including the concept of Nirvana and I remembered this story from my life. I wrote it in the exam to amuse the professor, but I thought it might tickle your fancy as … [Continue reading] about What’s in a name?
Gluten Free Store Booming in Midtown
The Gluten Free Specialty Market in midtown on J street opened last year in the middle of the current economic restructuring and has continued to grow and thrive. Every time I go into the store, owner and sole proprietor, Melanie Weir is beaming … [Continue reading] about Gluten Free Store Booming in Midtown
When we protect do we deprive?
Today I walked with my almost 13-year-old daughter from our Southside Park neighborhood a few blocks to the Downtown Shopping Plaza to buy a birthday present for a friend of hers. Our route retraced the steps she takes several times on the way home … [Continue reading] about When we protect do we deprive?
Why am I blogging all of a sudden?
The answer: I decided it was time. I used to blog daily. Then for a long time, largely because of my reactions to my son's extended illness, I have only blogged very occasionally. Now, though my son is still recovering and could be for months, I … [Continue reading] about Why am I blogging all of a sudden?
How viable is K-8 in Sacramento Area Schools?
Posted by SaraSNichols at 11/26/2009 4:25 PM PST on The Sacramento BeeFor a while I've wondered how viable K-8 schools really are, and lately I think I'm getting my answer: they're not, at least for 7th and 8th graders. What makes me say that? … [Continue reading] about How viable is K-8 in Sacramento Area Schools?
Whither the Wagon?
Recently my husband and I shopped for a new (to us) vehicle. We wanted a recent model car that was reliable and got decent mileage for a family car. Oh, and we wanted a wagon. I looked up reliable new or slightly used vehicles/wagons on Consumer … [Continue reading] about Whither the Wagon?
Sacramento Opera is for the Masses (Only they don’t know it yet…)
Two things:1) yesterday the Sacramento Bee Sunday paper printed the last NorCal blog I wrote on Local food, so check that out if you haven't.2) This is my post on NorCal voices today:Yesterday I saw the current Sacramento Opera production of Elixir … [Continue reading] about Sacramento Opera is for the Masses (Only they don’t know it yet…)
How Loco for Local is Sacramento?
Read my post on the Sacramento Bee NorCal Voices blog. I'm going to try to get back into routine blogging, I really am! BTW, attention Buffaloons who read my blog, favorable comparisons are made to your city in this post.How Loco for Local is … [Continue reading] about How Loco for Local is Sacramento?