It has come to my attention that my snout-based rating system, as wonderful as it is, needs revision. Many people have emailed and commented about this (btw, have you seen that I have now made it easy to comment? You don’t have to register or anything, you can do it anonymously, so please do comment–many of you email me wonderful comments but only I read them).
The problem with the current system is that it jumps from 3 snouts being “flawed but worth seeing” to two snouts “just atrocious” and then there’s nowhere to go but down. The reason there are 5 snouts instead of 4 is simply to differentiate between good movies and best movies of all time.
So here is the revised system:
(:)(:)(:)(:)(:) One of the best movies ever made (American Beauty)
(:)(:)(:)(:) Wonderful (The Big Easy)
(:)(:)(:) Worth seeing (Hair)
(:)(:) Flawed (Syriana
(:) Irredeemably bad (Terror of Tiny Town–all midget western)
I don’t have time to revise my page template to reflect it right now, but that’s coming. Thanks for your interest.
I like the new rating system!
But I would add “Rat Catcher” as a minus snout. -(:)
The snout system low of ‘1’ implies all movies are worth seeing. I’d say their are some movies that should not be seen. The previously mentioned is a prime example. I’m not sure which film to put at (0) snouts. – Ben