(:)(:)(:)(:)(:) for Unbroken Brain by Maia Szalavitz (Understanding the snout-based rating system). There are people who think 12-step programs are the only way to treat addiction and then there are people who hate 12-step programs and … [Continue reading] about If You’re Addicted, Is it Your Fault, or Not? 5 Snouts Up for Unbroken Brain by Maia Szalavitz
What will it take for objectification of women to cease? How far have we moved?
Sold at Venice Beach, CA June 9, 2018It strikes me that the #metoo movement is burgeoning; the Miss America beauty pageant is eliminating its swimsuit competition (so that we won't know its a beauty pageant). Yet the products to the right and … [Continue reading] about What will it take for objectification of women to cease? How far have we moved?
My Thoughts on the Recent California Primary and a World that Works for Everyone
The results of Tuesday's California primary were underwhelming but could have been worse. Turnout was low despite supposedly high activism and engagement. What energy, space and consciousness do we have to be to notice primary elections … [Continue reading] about My Thoughts on the Recent California Primary and a World that Works for Everyone
Marie’s Crisis Cafe, where have you been all my life?
(:)(:)(:)(:)(:) 5 Enthusiastic Snouts Up (Understanding My Snout-Based Rating System) for Marie's Crisis Cafe in NYC's West Village. OMG, where has this been all my life? This place is so great I can't even imagine how I didn't know … [Continue reading] about Marie’s Crisis Cafe, where have you been all my life?
The Iceman Cometh on Broadway — Risky and Brilliant with Denzel Washingon
(:)(:)(:)(:) 4 snouts up out of 5 (Understanding My Snout-Based Rating System) for The Iceman Cometh on Broadway in NYC now starring Denzel Washington. There's a few reasons that this brilliant play by perhaps the best American playwright, … [Continue reading] about The Iceman Cometh on Broadway — Risky and Brilliant with Denzel Washingon
Design Flaw? Commercial Scale Dual Flush Toilet Handles Defy Human Habit
It's a small thing but it has bugged me for a while that the most common form of low flush toilet handle used in large scale bathroom facilities (Leed certified (highly environmentally friendly) type buildings) is designed to encourage more water … [Continue reading] about Design Flaw? Commercial Scale Dual Flush Toilet Handles Defy Human Habit
ALREADY? The Fast and Slow Pace of Childrearing
This weekend, Bill and I are in Providence, Rhode Island to see our baby girl graduate from Brown University (with a degree in Computer Science). Every person I've told that we're going has said "already?!" and they don't know the half of … [Continue reading] about ALREADY? The Fast and Slow Pace of Childrearing
Happy Birthday to Me (Mostly today only, not all month long anymore)
All Month All About Me Birthday SaraIt was not that long ago that I considered my birthday to be a virtually monthlong event. Longer in some ways if you included the time I was talking about it. During this period, I needed a big … [Continue reading] about Happy Birthday to Me (Mostly today only, not all month long anymore)
Voting is the Best Cure for “Common Enemy Intimacy”
Ever since the last presidential election, we've been engaging in “common enemy intimacy”--the problem is it undermines the world we want.As a person who follows politics and public policy closely with a commitment to my own personal integrity, … [Continue reading] about Voting is the Best Cure for “Common Enemy Intimacy”
Why Not Wait to Cast Your Absentee Ballot?/My Picks for Statewide CA Races Today
Delaine Eastin for GovernorBecause I've been asked to, I'm going to post my picks and thinking for California Statewide contested seats in the June 2018 primary election. But before/as I do so, I'd like to make a pitch for waiting until closer … [Continue reading] about Why Not Wait to Cast Your Absentee Ballot?/My Picks for Statewide CA Races Today
Lessons from 30 years @email
Unlike most people, I've had nearly 30 years of experience on email. I had an email address before almost anybody because my brother Prescott was the manager of a super early Internet Service Provider called Geonet. This would have been … [Continue reading] about Lessons from 30 years @email
Bill Magavern’s CA Ballot RxThese opinions are my husband, Bill Magavern's, "Please feel free to forward them, or to send [him] comments of a civil nature (no rants). STATEWIDE PROPOSITIONS – all of these were put on the ballot by the … [Continue reading] about BILL MAGAVERN’S BALLOT MEASURE RECOMMENDATIONS, 2018 CALIFORNIA PRIMARY