I awaken this morning with joy at the huge voter turnout across the country. No matter the result, large participation in our democracy is important and reflects an increased consciousness of our connection and values each individual's ability … [Continue reading] about Gladness and Sadness in my Heart today at the Election Results
Question: is spiritual change easy or hard?
Answer: Yes. Definitely. Spiritual change is easy and hard. Some people say "it's simple, but it's not easy." Many people I know participate in spiritual support that says "it works if you work it." In Science of Mind … [Continue reading] about Question: is spiritual change easy or hard?
“We’ve never been more divided in this country,” Really? Part 2
Most of us at some level know that applying the phrase "we've never been more divided" to American public life today is ludicrous in light of our Civil War. Now that I'm on page 750 of the 1000 page Grant by Ron Chernow (author of … [Continue reading] about “We’ve never been more divided in this country,” Really? Part 2
Why and How I Combine Medicine and Faith
Rev. David Bruner, Spiritual Director of the Center for Spiritual Living, San Jose, inspired this piece by asking on Facebook whether if you got glasses or took a pill it was an indication of a lack of faith in the spiritual science that we … [Continue reading] about Why and How I Combine Medicine and Faith
As women, can we be more transparent now, so we don’t have to scream later?
The events of the last week, and my emotional response to them, has me wondering what is the best way to be a woman who wants change in the world. To scream or not to scream that is the question. I mused last week that we were one … [Continue reading] about As women, can we be more transparent now, so we don’t have to scream later?
Open Letter to God: Why? What Next?
Dear God,I feel so so sad today. I feel so angry. I feel so helpless. I go around telling people that all is well and that all is in divine right order and timing. And now Brett Kavanaugh is on the Supreme Court. … [Continue reading] about Open Letter to God: Why? What Next?
Maybe we all need to scream in elevators
As I watch events unfold around Jeff Kavanaugh's confirmation as a Supreme Court Justice, I am more and more aware of the "hysterical woman" within me. Nowhere was this more apparent than the feeling I had watching Ana Maria Archila scream … [Continue reading] about Maybe we all need to scream in elevators
One America: Texas and California
I'm continuing to consume Ron Chernow's 1000 page bio of Ulysses S Grant while I enjoy my stay in Dallas, Texas. I'm struck by how much more California has in common with Texas then the differences between the states. And the … [Continue reading] about One America: Texas and California
Looking Up in Texas
I'm in Dallas, Texas this week attending the Centers for Spiritual Living Ministers Gathering hosted by CSLDallas. Today scores of us ministers will stand at Dallas City Hall to honor and know a different truth for Botham Jean, an African … [Continue reading] about Looking Up in Texas
We’re Mad as Hell and We’re Not Going to Take it Anymore
No. Not me. The Senate Republicans. They came out swinging today, furious at the "sham process" -- waaah? Did I miss something? They're in charge of the process. It reminds me of a not-so-hilarious political … [Continue reading] about We’re Mad as Hell and We’re Not Going to Take it Anymore
Holding Dr. Ford and the Country in Love and Compassion
As I watch Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee today, I am holding her and all other women who have ever struggled to come forward and tell their stories in love and compassion. She is so credible. She … [Continue reading] about Holding Dr. Ford and the Country in Love and Compassion
Is My God a Holy They?
For years in my new thought circles we have said "Mother-Father God" as a way to include the Mother, include the Goddess in our God, something that didn't happen in our childhood. We have also often referred to God as "It" in order to leave the … [Continue reading] about Is My God a Holy They?