Reprinted without permission--I like this piece. I basically agree with everything he says. It is the best cogent articulation I've seen of the dilemma we're in. Why it's simultaneously true that the "serious" candidates of the Democratic party … [Read more...] about “Sitting this one out” by Adolph Reed
spirit & personal
The Ring Cycle–Part III
Spiritual Lessons Learned by Losing (and Finding) my Wedding RingsYou would think, having lost one of my gorgeous antique unique diamond platinum wedding rings out at our spot on the Cosumnes River, I would have learned my lesson but no. On another … [Read more...] about The Ring Cycle–Part III
Anti-Hillary Sentiment Tests Spiritual Principles
In the past few months, I have moved from generally worried that Hillary Clinton will be the nominee to full-on panicked that she will be. In this same period, I have moved from concerned that she might not win the White House if she were the … [Read more...] about Anti-Hillary Sentiment Tests Spiritual Principles
The Ring Cycle–Part II
Readers will recall my recently launched series on spiritual lessons learned while losing my wedding rings--read Ring Cycle--Part I for background.The problem with starting the ring cycle the way I did is that all the other stories will be boring in … [Read more...] about The Ring Cycle–Part II
Sitting alone in a room
For 3 weeks now, I have meditated alone in a beautiful room in the state capitol and it's been okay. The reader naturally will have two questions, the first is necessary for understanding, the second is the subject of this piece: 1) why are you alone … [Read more...] about Sitting alone in a room
Pick your dream: fascism, terrorism or love?
In the spiritual tradition(s) that I follow, we take responsibility for attracting/creating the conditions of our lives. Sometimes the appropriate responsibility is collective, not individual.From a scientific perspective, there is no evidence that … [Read more...] about Pick your dream: fascism, terrorism or love?
The Ring Cycle–Part I
Spiritual Lessons Learned from Losing Wedding RingsUnlike most women, I have 3 wedding rings, one that my husband of 16 years (living together 20) put on my finger, which was two kinds of gold and we chose together, and a platinum and diamond set … [Read more...] about The Ring Cycle–Part I
Four Snouts Up for Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
(:)(:)(:)(:) for Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert, still on the New York Times nonfiction bestseller list. I absolutely loved this book and would recommend it to anyone who'd like a good read--especially if you're even vaguely into travel, food … [Read more...] about Four Snouts Up for Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
It’s Not Me, It’s You
All of my spiritual training tells me to focus on me. All of it. I'm the only person I can change. I'm the only person whose behavior I can affect. Only me. That's the bad news. Here's the worse news: not only can I only affect me, but everything … [Read more...] about It’s Not Me, It’s You
Hang up on the “d-trip”
I recently returned from Washington, DC, where, as I expected, I got an earful from public interest advocates about what a disappointment Nancy Pelosi is as Speaker of the House. This almost always happens. Democrats get into power, we have a brief … [Read more...] about Hang up on the “d-trip”
Three and a Half Snouts Up for Evan Almighty
(:)(:)(:)(: for Evan Almighty directed by Tom Shadyac, starring Steve Carell playing in theaters now. I loved this movie, yet I give it only 3 1/2 snouts out of a possible five. Why? Because I can tell that not everyone is the target demographic: … [Read more...] about Three and a Half Snouts Up for Evan Almighty
Hillary Nightmare Starting to Come True
It's happening, people. Hillary Clinton is scooping up prime endorsements and fattening her campaign account at an alarming rate. It's starting to look possible, even probable, that she will win the Democratic nomination (hence lose Democrats the … [Read more...] about Hillary Nightmare Starting to Come True