(:)(:)(:)(:) for Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert, still on the New York Times nonfiction bestseller list. I absolutely loved this book and would recommend it to anyone who'd like a good read--especially if you're even vaguely into travel, food … [Read more...] about Four Snouts Up for Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
spirit & personal
It’s Not Me, It’s You
All of my spiritual training tells me to focus on me. All of it. I'm the only person I can change. I'm the only person whose behavior I can affect. Only me. That's the bad news. Here's the worse news: not only can I only affect me, but everything … [Read more...] about It’s Not Me, It’s You
Hang up on the “d-trip”
I recently returned from Washington, DC, where, as I expected, I got an earful from public interest advocates about what a disappointment Nancy Pelosi is as Speaker of the House. This almost always happens. Democrats get into power, we have a brief … [Read more...] about Hang up on the “d-trip”
Three and a Half Snouts Up for Evan Almighty
(:)(:)(:)(: for Evan Almighty directed by Tom Shadyac, starring Steve Carell playing in theaters now. I loved this movie, yet I give it only 3 1/2 snouts out of a possible five. Why? Because I can tell that not everyone is the target demographic: … [Read more...] about Three and a Half Snouts Up for Evan Almighty
Hillary Nightmare Starting to Come True
It's happening, people. Hillary Clinton is scooping up prime endorsements and fattening her campaign account at an alarming rate. It's starting to look possible, even probable, that she will win the Democratic nomination (hence lose Democrats the … [Read more...] about Hillary Nightmare Starting to Come True
When Mom and Dad are lawyers–PJ Day Raises Policy Questions
Our 10 year old daughter EM yesterday: so um I didn't wear my pajamas to school on Friday, but other kids did, and Mr. C***** did because we thought it was pajama day and last month there was a lollipop day and we think there is a violation of the … [Read more...] about When Mom and Dad are lawyers–PJ Day Raises Policy Questions
Five Snouts Up for “Groundhog Day” 17 years later
(:)(:)(:)(:)(:) out of a possible five snouts for Groundhog Day the 1993 movie starring Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell. Tonight my kids and I started a new tradition of watching it annually on February 2nd--important because in other respects our … [Read more...] about Five Snouts Up for “Groundhog Day” 17 years later
Pray for George
This a reprinting of my quarterly column--Eye on the Pie which appears in Rudolf's Diner. Please pass it on and Pray for George. I am beginning to believe that we need to start a national movement called “Pray for George” in which we concertedly … [Read more...] about Pray for George
Follow Your Mind…
Just spent 6 days in Yosemite reading Emerson's essay on Self-Reliance--this is the way to read Emerson (I can now say smugly, after only one essay, never having read Emerson before to my knowledge--I was a psych major, o-kay?).As far as I was … [Read more...] about Follow Your Mind…
The Storm Before the Calm
After working for a while to clean out my son's closet, I made the mistake of taking a break to look around the room: total chaos. A pile of stuff to give away in one corner; another coupla things to move into my closet; recycling; trash; mismatched … [Read more...] about The Storm Before the Calm
The Poly Bodytick
So like while you were all working today I was getting a fabulous massage from a woman named Pao, and I had like this great idea for my blog today and I was going to call it like the Poly Bodytick and it was going to be awesome.And now I barely … [Read more...] about The Poly Bodytick
Swami Parmanandi & Me
Friday night I experienced the hindi equivalent of seeing Bono play a room of 40 people. I went to hear Swami Parmanandji talk. The man is an official saint and is said to be followed by hundreds of thousands of people in the world, consulted by … [Read more...] about Swami Parmanandi & Me