SacBee Columnist Dan Weintraub Scorches Me After reading my extremely weak latest Eye on the Pie column, the ever Arnold-phantic Dan Weintraub comes back with this (which is, incidentally, a more succinct compilation of similar thoughts expressed by … [Read more...] about
Rudolf's Diner Read my Eye on the Pie column, in this, the 2-year anniverary issue of Rudolf's Diner and read Rudolf's Diner. I'm so proud of my the editor, my baby brother Evan Nichols. This 'zine gets better every issue. And, if you're Dan … [Read more...] about
Burn, Baby, Burn My pal Doug Heller at Arnold Watch (Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights) gives us this insight into the latest outrage from Enron: weblog - June 2, 2004 - 12:45 pm "Burn, baby, burn," is what one … [Read more...] about
Which Way, Bill Magavern? Listen to my (okay, the Sierra Club's) Bill (gently) improve upon Ah-nold's gas-saving tips on Warren Olney's popular Which Way L.A.? show (scroll down to Reporter's Notebook and click to listen). … [Read more...] about
Sara's Silly Subaru Saga 1999 - buy white Subaru Legacy Wagon brand new, "Brighton" bottom-of-the-line loss leader model from Shingle Springs Subaru (negotiate great price using techniques so excellent Public Citizen President Joan Claybrook, former … [Read more...] about
Meeting between Kerry and Nader The New York Times reported last week on the meeting between Kerry and Nader--if you haven't read it, do so.* It will likely make you feel better about both of them. Kerry Woos Nader, Who Deems Him 'very … [Read more...] about
President Gore Speaks Al Gore's statement issued today is nothing less than presidential. It is impossible to do it justice through any remarks I might utter in this ridiculous blog, but you can't blame a blogger for trying. If it were the speech … [Read more...] about
More on Randi Rhodes A few weeks ago, I plugged the Randi Rhodes Show (AM 1240 in Sacramento) as being the left's answer to Rush Limbaugh. Now, after several weeks of listening to her (and Al Franken) regularly, I second my own motion: she is … [Read more...] about
(:)(:) Two Snouts Up for Calendar Girls I thought I was going to just love this movie. Great story (nude middle-aged women). Great cast (Helen Mirrin). Came highly recommended. Instead, to me it had about the production and script value of a … [Read more...] about
Faithless Unitarians in Bush Country According to the Austin Star-Telegram, the Texas Comptroller has denied a Unitarian Church tax-exempt status on the grounds that it "does not have one system or belief." So, a centuries-old religion to which 2 … [Read more...] about
Zingale on Gay Marriage Check out (former Davis chief-of-staff, Director of Dept. of Managed Health Care) Daniel Zingale today on Tavis Smiley NPR show today on gay marriage. Airs in Sacramento KXJZ 89.5 1:30pm. Daniel "doesn't think Karl Rove will … [Read more...] about
I just met a girl named Maria So my mom is all excited about this interview with Maria Shriver she read in Sacramento Magazine. It details the children's books she's written to answer questions she gets from her own on various tough topics like … [Read more...] about