(:)(:)(:)(:)--Four snouts up for "Japanese Story" Saw and loved brilliantly-acted Australian film 'Japanese Story' directed by Sue Brooks and starring Toni Collette (Muriel's Wedding, About a Boy). Collette and Gutaru Tsunashima, the Japanese man … [Read more...] about
I thought my new emoticon ate my 92 personalities but I turned out to be wrong Maybe it just wasn't meant to be, but by inadvertantly clicking on my own installed emoticon link above, I just negated 20 minutes spent composing a lenthy emotionally … [Read more...] about
My very own emoticon! I am so excited. My insanely brilliant friend Mateo Burtch created it to celebrate and represent a certain period of my life that he was, frankly, never really part of, but may wish he was. Click here to see it. The Merits of … [Read more...] about
Today's Outrage Technically, this may be yesterday's outrage, but I was too tired and blissed out by community yesterday to be outraged. Today, I've recovered enough to rally. It's this: Sinclair Broadcasting Company, a huge Republican-leaning … [Read more...] about
The toxic mimic of community I spent my May Day in seven hours weeding, mulching, scrubbing, drying, stretching and k'vetching with around 40 other neighbors in my cohousing community. We ranged in age from four to 78 and in ability from limited use … [Read more...] about
Highway 37 Big Truck Blues After 4 days of keeping 20 eight & nine year olds from killing themselves or each other in the wilds of Marin County, they all nearly perished today on Highway 37 when a super long truck lost control and toppled over … [Read more...] about
We Consensed! No. "Consensed" is not a word. And yet we did it. At 16:30 hours today, Southside Park Cohousing Association congratulated itself on a record-breaking achievement of concensus to spend $1800. We are the only government I'm dealing … [Read more...] about
24-Hour Consensus After months of trying, the call came. "I can have a construction crew outside your door at 9:00am Monday morning. All I need is the go-ahead and $1800 cash. Is it a go?" A go? A go?! I think. My God, it's got to be a go. … [Read more...] about
What is a blog, exactly? That's roughly the level of on-line savvy of my average reader. The answer: no earthly idea. It's short for "web-log," but you know knew that, right? It's an on-line journal. My God, man, isn't it obvious?! I won't … [Read more...] about
Where there's a Who, there's a Horton! Hey, remember that public financing bill I told you about? Horton, Levine, Longville and a last minute addition of Gene Mullin from San Mateo, voted for it in the Elections Committee Wednesday--it passed … [Read more...] about
Blog Me Flog Me Make Me Write Bad Checks Hey, thanks for signing up to receive my blog on a regular basis. Quite a vote of confidence, given how uniformly boring and tame my first few entries have been. Complaints have been issued from some … [Read more...] about
Ah-nold Intrigue: Doing what he puts his mind to, or not? Like the rest of the nation, I find it fascinating to watch Governor Arnold. Oh, not so much because he's a movie star--I only recently saw one of his movies for the first time, the one where … [Read more...] about