Which Way, Bill Magavern?
Listen to my (okay, the Sierra Club’s) Bill (gently) improve upon Ah-nold’s gas-saving tips on Warren Olney’s popular Which Way L.A.? show (scroll down to Reporter’s Notebook and click to listen).
spirit, humor, movies, politics & unsolicited advice right here in sacramento, california
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Which Way, Bill Magavern?
Listen to my (okay, the Sierra Club’s) Bill (gently) improve upon Ah-nold’s gas-saving tips on Warren Olney’s popular Which Way L.A.? show (scroll down to Reporter’s Notebook and click to listen).
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(:)(:)(:)(:) for The Help by Kathryn Stockett. Not every 'New York Times Bestseller' is worth a … [Read More...] about 4 Snouts Up for The Help by Kathryn Stockett
this is part of a multi-part series on discernment. what are my ways of discerning what some … [Read More...] about what is light for me to do in these times?