Money is not my supply. No person, place or condition is my supply. My knowledge of the all-providing activity of the Divine Mind within me is my supply. My consciousness of this Truth is unlimited; therefore, my supply is … [Read more...] about Day 35: 40 Day Abundance Meditations–Truth is streaming live 24 hours a day
Day 34: 40 Day Abundance Meditations–I am fully supplied
Through my consciousness of my Godself, the Christ within, as my Source, I draw into my mind and feeling nature the very substance of Spirit. This substance is my supply, thus my consciousness of the Presence of God within me is my supply.For … [Read more...] about Day 34: 40 Day Abundance Meditations–I am fully supplied
Day 33: 40 Day Abundance Meditations–God at work vs. my inner 3 year old
I am conscious of the Inner Presence as my lavish Abundance. I am conscious of the constant activity of this Mind of infinite Prosperity. Therefore, my consciousness is filled with the Light of Truth.*About "constant activity of this … [Read more...] about Day 33: 40 Day Abundance Meditations–God at work vs. my inner 3 year old
Day 32: 40 Day Abundance Meditations–without awareness, I got nuttin’
I lift up my mind and heart to be aware, to understand, and to know that the Divine Presence, I AM is the Source and Substance of all my good.**If you are just joining our show in progress, meditate on this for 15 minutes today. You can start … [Read more...] about Day 32: 40 Day Abundance Meditations–without awareness, I got nuttin’
Day 31: 40 Day Abundance Meditations–one day at a time
God is lavish, unfailing Abundance, the rich omnipresent substance of the Universe. This all-providing Source of infinite prosperity is individualized as me—the Reality of me.Wow, here we go, our fourth time through this ten meditation series. … [Read more...] about Day 31: 40 Day Abundance Meditations–one day at a time
Day 30 — 40 Day Abundance Meditations–God can only do for me what God can do through me
I keep my mind and thoughts off “this world” and I place my entire focus on God within as the only cause of my prosperity. I acknowledge the Inner Presence as the only activity in my financial affairs, as the substance of all things … [Read more...] about Day 30 — 40 Day Abundance Meditations–God can only do for me what God can do through me
Day 29 — 40 Day Abundance Meditations–Slip past the gates of fear and relax
When I am aware of the God-Self within me as my total fulfillment, I am totally fulfilled. I am now aware of this Truth, I have found the secret of life, and I relax in the knowledge that the Activity of Divine Abundance is eternally … [Read more...] about Day 29 — 40 Day Abundance Meditations–Slip past the gates of fear and relax
Day 28: 40 Day Abundance Meditations–will a latte bring grace?
My consciousness of the Spirit within me as my unlimited Source is the Divine Power to restore the years the locusts have eaten, to make all things new, to lift me up to the High Road of abundant prosperity. This awareness, understanding and … [Read more...] about Day 28: 40 Day Abundance Meditations–will a latte bring grace?
Day 27: 40 Day Abundance Meditations–It’s time to let go
The Divine Consciousness that I am is forever expressing its true nature of Abundance. This is its responsibility, not mine. My only responsibility is to be aware of this Truth. Therefore, I am totally confident in letting go and … [Read more...] about Day 27: 40 Day Abundance Meditations–It’s time to let go
Day 26: 40 Day Abundance Meditation
My inner supply instantly and constantly takes on form and experience according to my needs and desires, and as the Principle of Supply in action, it is impossible for me to have any needs or unfulfilled desires.**If you are just joining our … [Read more...] about Day 26: 40 Day Abundance Meditation
Day 25: 40 Day Abundance Meditations — Money is not my supply
Money is not my supply. No person, place or condition is my supply. My knowledge of the all-providing activity of the Divine Mind within me is my supply. My consciousness of this Truth is unlimited; therefore, my supply is … [Read more...] about Day 25: 40 Day Abundance Meditations — Money is not my supply
Day 24: 40 Day Abundance Meditations — 4 snouts up for Lincoln
Through my consciousness of my Godself, the Christ within, as my Source, I draw into my mind and feeling nature the very substance of Spirit. This substance is my supply, thus my consciousness of the Presence of God within me is my … [Read more...] about Day 24: 40 Day Abundance Meditations — 4 snouts up for Lincoln