As we read the news and watch the yard signs popping up around us, we may hear much about the importance of the "rule of law" and whether it's being obeyed. This makes me ponder, do I respect the rule of law? If so, which one? human or … [Read more...] about Do You Respect the Rule of Law? If So, Which One?
medicare for all
Why I voted for Marianne Williamson for President on my California/Super Tuesday ballot
Tomorrow is Super Tuesday where several American states, including my own, California, vote. I voted for Marianne Williamson for president because I want to send President Biden and the Democratic party a message: wake up and find a way to win in … [Read more...] about Why I voted for Marianne Williamson for President on my California/Super Tuesday ballot
late but decisive; celebrate then agitate
So much has already been written about Biden's victory. I just have a few points to emphasize: Stop talking about this like it was a close election. Just because it took several days to be officially declared doesn't mean this was a squeaker: … [Read more...] about late but decisive; celebrate then agitate
the democratic party’s weeklong infomercial is having its way with me
the democratic party’s weeklong infomercial is worming its way into my heart. like many fervent bernie sanders supporters, i’m having a lot of trouble working up enthusiasm for the democratic ticket. yes, we need to defeat donald trump. no, i’m not … [Read more...] about the democratic party’s weeklong infomercial is having its way with me
my approval soars for governor newsom in this unpresidented crisis
over the course of the shutdown, i have moved from mild approval mixed with irk to super proud of and grateful for our california governor gavin newsom. while donald trump’s approval rating has fallen several points since the beginning of march, … [Read more...] about my approval soars for governor newsom in this unpresidented crisis
parallel universe: the current pandemic with medicare for all in place
string theory or quantum math or something calculates a high probability that there are parallel universes in which there exists a different version of the current reality. i understand this a little from studying quantum physics which tells us that … [Read more...] about parallel universe: the current pandemic with medicare for all in place
Let’s talk about Medicare for All in Office Hours this week
--> My darlings,Do you fear losing your healthcare coverage? Let’s talk about Medicare for All, Universal Public College and day care, anything that you’re fearing right now (especially from a Bernie Sanders … [Read more...] about Let’s talk about Medicare for All in Office Hours this week