As we proceed through life, we assume that our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and body sensations are our own. I’m willing to believe that some of my thoughts and beliefs, while masquerading as mine, are heavily influenced by the collective … [Read more...] about Is this my pain? (or is it someone else’s?)
access consciousness
What is Conscious Reality Anyway?
Since our new webcast is called "The Conscious Reality Show," everyone keeps asking me, "What's conscious reality mean?" Author teacher Byron Katie has said "You can argue with the way things are. You'll lose, but only 100% of the time," which … [Read more...] about What is Conscious Reality Anyway?
The Conscious Reality Show with Sara Stevens Nichols has launched
I launched a webcast last week and barely told you about it. It's what the restaurants call a "soft opening," so I shouldn't publicize it further until we're ready for the hoards to watch. But in some quarters, posting on snicholsblog doesn't yet … [Read more...] about The Conscious Reality Show with Sara Stevens Nichols has launched
One of my influential teachers today: Dr. Dain Heer from Access Consciousness
I speak, I teach, but who speaks to me? who teaches me, that is, in addition to the many New Thought or Science of Mind thinkers who have influenced me (like Ernest Holmes, Joel Goldsmith, Emma Curtis Hopkins, to name but a few) or various … [Read more...] about One of my influential teachers today: Dr. Dain Heer from Access Consciousness
5 snouts up for greta gerwig and jon batiste as leaders of totally new realities
last time we talked about trouble at the border. when we cross the border, we enter a new reality. what will it take for you to be the leader of a totally different reality? “we envision a world that works for everyone and for all of … [Read more...] about 5 snouts up for greta gerwig and jon batiste as leaders of totally new realities
clearing judgments about my lack of follow-through in an evangelist for remote work sees the rest of the world catch on (new york times 7-12-2020) i learned how matt mullenweg founded automaticc (which owns wordpress) with a “distributed … [Read more...] about clearing judgments about my lack of follow-through
what is light for me to do in these times?
this is part of a multi-part series on discernment. what are my ways of discerning what some traditions would call “god’s will” and what others might call in alignment with highest good for me or what deepak chopra calls communication from our … [Read more...] about what is light for me to do in these times?
truth, who does this belong to? am i energetically taking on other people’s feelings and symptoms in the pandemic?
i generally feel healthy, strong and vital as long as i don’t eat certain foods that i have found deplete me. yet, since the beginning of the shutdown, even though i’ve miraculously kept from using food to manage my feelings, i have been experiencing … [Read more...] about truth, who does this belong to? am i energetically taking on other people’s feelings and symptoms in the pandemic?