8:00am Rise, dress, brush teeth, quickly revise flyer for Unconditional Love movie night 8:30 Drive to and attend personal recovery meeting, don't hand out flyer because may be precluded by recovery tradition 10:20am … [Read more...] about My California Day
reviews & recommendations
Should I join the movie bloggers?
I have been "discovered" in the blogosphere. That is to say, some program that sweeps around looking for movie bloggers has contacted me to ask me to join "movie bloggers.com" whereby my movie reviews would be co-posted on this site. At first I was … [Read more...] about Should I join the movie bloggers?
People Love Stop the Pounding Ad
Yesterday, the Prop 89 campaign went statewide with a new television ad and today the remarkable ad is the number one rated news video on YouTube. “Stop the Pounding” is the brainchild of Bill Hillsman, who engineered Jesse Ventura’s victory, as well … [Read more...] about People Love Stop the Pounding Ad
Why I voted for Steve Westly Today
I have never been as undecided in a primary election before as I was filling out the ovals today to elect who would be the Democrat to challenge Arnold Schwarzenegger for Governor of California. I stood for a full 10 minutes in the booth reviewing … [Read more...] about Why I voted for Steve Westly Today
Read my column in Rudolf’s Diner
George Bush is to be forgiven Katrina. Not only in the long run by his Savior Jesus Christ and his other largest contributors but now, by us--for what we did to cause it, for our share of the blame...Are you terrified? Read more, or less, by going to … [Read more...] about Read my column in Rudolf’s Diner
Spanglish is Magnifico!
(:)(:)(:)(:) for Spanglish just reviewed on DVD. It's been a helluva month and I haven't prioritized the blog lately, but let me say I had NO idea how good a movie this was. I just thought it'd be decent hollywood fluff. Wrong. This movie is … [Read more...] about Spanglish is Magnifico!
Talk to Her
(:)(:)(:)(:) Four snouts up for Pedro Almodovar's Talk to Her -- a wonderful haunting film about two men involved with women in comas. I've been meaning to see it for years. I generally like Almodovar films. This one came like 2 weeks ago from … [Read more...] about Talk to Her
Bill on Hotel Rwanda snichols' kids got unexpected sleepovers tonight (a great perk for the middle-aged parents of middle-aged kids) so snichols and snicholsqueeze went out for Spanish food then to Hotel Rwanda. (:)(:)(:) for Restaurant Aioli Bodega … [Read more...] about
(:)(:)(: for A Very Long Engagement First, unrelated to the movie, a shout out to snichols' brother Evan and his blog. He's been blogging every day since January 1. And snichols has challenged herself to do the same. So first, 2 1/2 snouts up for … [Read more...] about
(:)(:)(:)(:) for Wifeswap
snichols returned from Cabo (with corn-rows, btw) only to find that Bill felt snichols had given the cohousing Wifeswap a bad review while Bill loved it and thought it was great tv. Let's be clear: snichols thought it was great tv too! It was … [Read more...] about (:)(:)(:)(:) for Wifeswap
Is Chuck D a Public Enemy? Successful writer Abe Opincar (top journalist for the San Diego Reader and author of a critically acclaimed book of essays called Fried Butter) responded to my Air America musings with a 15 year old piece from the LA Weekly … [Read more...] about
Origin of Snouts Up (:) Faithful reader David Allgood writes to ask where the snout concept comes from, so I answer: It comes from the fact that I used to be obsessed with pigs and a lot of my old friends know that. I wanted to do something other … [Read more...] about