(:)(:)(:)(:) for Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert, still on the New York Times nonfiction bestseller list. I absolutely loved this book and would recommend it to anyone who'd like a good read--especially if you're even vaguely into travel, food … [Read more...] about Four Snouts Up for Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
I Guess I Can’t Count Hillary Out
I think I need to come clean on something. I have rested my case against supporting Hillary in the primary on the idea that she can't win in the general election. I realize now that I may be wrong.Here's why: Bill Clinton wasn't supposed to be the … [Read more...] about I Guess I Can’t Count Hillary Out
California Democrats Need to Stand up for Government-Financed Health Care Coverage
Inevitably, every credible health care expansion put forward by Democrats will be attacked by insurance-backed Republicans as "socialized medicine." "Socialized medicine" the lore goes, lets government instead of your doctor decide whether you … [Read more...] about California Democrats Need to Stand up for Government-Financed Health Care Coverage
(:)(:)(:) for DiCaprio’s The Eleventh Hour
Three Snouts Up for Leonardo DiCaprio's The Eleventh Hour previewed at the Crest Theater last night.Anyone whose top goal in life is learning more about the environmental destruction that humans have wrought on planet earth should see this film. … [Read more...] about (:)(:)(:) for DiCaprio’s The Eleventh Hour
DiFi Will be Key Player in Gonsalez Replacement
Gonsalez' resignation presents another opportunity for Dianne Feinstein to better serve the people of California. As a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Feinstein will be a key vote early on on whether to recommend whomever Bush puts up to … [Read more...] about DiFi Will be Key Player in Gonsalez Replacement
It’s Not Me, It’s You
All of my spiritual training tells me to focus on me. All of it. I'm the only person I can change. I'm the only person whose behavior I can affect. Only me. That's the bad news. Here's the worse news: not only can I only affect me, but everything … [Read more...] about It’s Not Me, It’s You
Why do Californians like DiFi so much?
Today's California papers report on a field poll that shows we have soured on the new Congress. Democrats and decline-to-states are fed up with the failure of Speaker Pelosi and the new majority to even begin to get us out of Iraq. The poll shows … [Read more...] about Why do Californians like DiFi so much?
(:)(:)(:)(:) for Blue Bottle Coffee in Hayes Valley
Four Snouts Up for Blue Bottle Coffee at 315 Linden Street (tucked in a sort of alley between Gough and Octavia off Hayes in Hayes Valley), San Francisco. This little gem is hardly a secret. At 10:30am on a weekday there's a line into the … [Read more...] about (:)(:)(:)(:) for Blue Bottle Coffee in Hayes Valley
The Evils of Having an “Agenda”
Under the heading of "oh, snap," one of the biggest insults one Sacramento insider can dish out to another Sacramento insider is "she has an agenda." I know, because I have one.Apparently, the top goal of many people in public service in California … [Read more...] about The Evils of Having an “Agenda”
(:)(:)(:)(:)(:) for Clerks 2 on DVD
Five Snouts Up for Clerks 2 on DVD. Five snouts for Clerks 2???? You heard me. Faithful readers know I only give 5 snouts for the movies that I consider are in the top 100 movies of all times. This is one of the funniest movies I've ever ever seen. I … [Read more...] about (:)(:)(:)(:)(:) for Clerks 2 on DVD
The Five Presidential Candidates You Never Hear About
This article is reprinted with permission from Rudolf's Diner online 'zine, where Sara writes the Eye on the Pie column.Biden, Dodd, Kucinich, Gravel and Richardson, any one alone of these “lesser" Democratic presidential candidates has spent more … [Read more...] about The Five Presidential Candidates You Never Hear About
Spam the Democratic Party
Are you on the lists I'm on? I get email from John Kerry, Harry Reid, DCCC, DSCC, DNC--if you get an email from any Democrat in Congress or national Democratic party, email them back that you want them to act like Democrats!Tell them to impeach … [Read more...] about Spam the Democratic Party