Blog Me Flog Me Make Me Write Bad Checks Hey, thanks for signing up to receive my blog on a regular basis. Quite a vote of confidence, given how uniformly boring and tame my first few entries have been. Complaints have been issued from some … [Continue reading] about
Ah-nold Intrigue: Doing what he puts his mind to, or not? Like the rest of the nation, I find it fascinating to watch Governor Arnold. Oh, not so much because he's a movie star--I only recently saw one of his movies for the first time, the one where … [Continue reading] about
Political Alert--Will Horton hear a Who? Will California take its first major step towards clean public financing of elections like the voters opted for in Arizona and Maine? Tomorrow, March 20th, the California State Assembly's Elections Committee … [Continue reading] about
My First Blog Ever Aha! Almost a year after my last birthday when my brother suggested I create a Blog, I create one. Wow. Here I am. My very own blog. Checkout my picture in today's Sacramento Bee front page of Metro section story "Broadway Plan … [Continue reading] about