Meeting between Kerry and Nader The New York Times reported last week on the meeting between Kerry and Nader--if you haven't read it, do so.* It will likely make you feel better about both of them. Kerry Woos Nader, Who Deems Him 'very … [Read more...] about
current events
One step ahead of MoveOn.Org Dude. Check it out: 2 days ago I called for a campaign on Kerry to be bold and articulate a vital and winning strategy to get out of Iraq; and today, MoveOn.Org does exactly that. Can I call it, or what? (uh-oh, I'm … [Read more...] about
The toxic mimic of community I spent my May Day in seven hours weeding, mulching, scrubbing, drying, stretching and k'vetching with around 40 other neighbors in my cohousing community. We ranged in age from four to 78 and in ability from limited use … [Read more...] about
We Consensed! No. "Consensed" is not a word. And yet we did it. At 16:30 hours today, Southside Park Cohousing Association congratulated itself on a record-breaking achievement of concensus to spend $1800. We are the only government I'm dealing … [Read more...] about
Ah-nold Intrigue: Doing what he puts his mind to, or not? Like the rest of the nation, I find it fascinating to watch Governor Arnold. Oh, not so much because he's a movie star--I only recently saw one of his movies for the first time, the one where … [Read more...] about