Recommendations for November BallotThese are strictly my personal opinions, for whatever they're worth. Feel free to forward them or post to web, but please do not add the names of any other individual or organization by way of identification or … [Read more...] about Bill Magavern’s Recommendations for November California Ballot
Prescription: A healthier global warming plan
By Bill Magavern (published Thursday, October 09, 2008)Even if pictures of stranded polar bears failed to warm your heart, global warming’s effect on your health should get your circulation going. As the California Air Resources Board takes on … [Read more...] about Prescription: A healthier global warming plan
Tim Wise on White Privilege
PrivilegeA BUZZFLASH GUEST CONTRIBUTION by Tim Wise For those who still can't grasp the concept of white privilege, or who are constantly looking for some easy-to-understand examples of it, perhaps this list will help.White privilege is when you can … [Read more...] about Tim Wise on White Privilege
Call before (or after) you complain about the bailout
If you're as concerned as I am about the prospect of Congress spending $700 billion to bailout the corrupt financial industry (when they could be spending it to reduce the national debt, fund universal health care, beef up education, rebuild roads, … [Read more...] about Call before (or after) you complain about the bailout
Obama Best on Iraq, Lame on Economy
Initially I was pleased when I realized the Jim Lehrer was the moderator (much better than any of the random network guys, sorry dearly departed Tim Russert, you were not missed tonight) and that he was leading off with a question about the … [Read more...] about Obama Best on Iraq, Lame on Economy
Use McCain (not Bush) to beat McCain
A substantial part of the Obama team strategy seems to be to Bushify McCain, to convince the public that McCain is really George Bush in disguise. In my opinion this is a flawed strategy. Let's use McCain to beat McCain, not Bush. Here's why:The … [Read more...] about Use McCain (not Bush) to beat McCain
Strickland or Webb for Obama
I can't take credit for this at all. I'm basically just parroting my husband--but he knows everything.Bill says that Obama should consider the following two people for veep:1) Ted Strickland, Governor of Ohio:pros: could swing Ohio; minister (Obama … [Read more...] about Strickland or Webb for Obama
Can you tell the difference between John McCain and a Carrot?
Take this quiz and see if you correctly answer 6 short questions about the difference between McCain and Bush--Click here to take the quiz.Bonus points if you can tell the difference between McCain and a carrot on key policy questions: … [Read more...] about Can you tell the difference between John McCain and a Carrot?
See Sam Shepard’s Fool for Love at Capital Stage
(:)(:)(:)(:) for a very solid production of Sam Shepard's play "Fool for Love" now playing at the Capital Stage in Old Sacramento through April 27, 2008.I've lost track of how many times I've seen this play produced. This is certainly the first time … [Read more...] about See Sam Shepard’s Fool for Love at Capital Stage
The Truth About Me
Greetings from the Big Apple!Okay, so it's been another long inexplicable period in which I haven't posted a thing. My readers are anxious, fretful even.Here's the scoop: two things have been going. First, our son has been sick for another … [Read more...] about The Truth About Me
Obama’s Coattails for Peace
People need to start recognizing that Obama is the best nominee, not just because he is more likely to beat McCain in November, but because he is more likely to beat him big, bring new voters into the process, thereby positively affecting the … [Read more...] about Obama’s Coattails for Peace
“Nostalgia” for the Clinton Administration; Yes on 93 and other Unsolicited Advice on the California Primary Tomorrow
1. The Democratic presidential primary. I loved the L.A. Times Editorial for Obama on Saturday (link above and here). I can't possibly improve upon how they said it. This is a historic choice and the right choice is Obama.I can't resist, however, … [Read more...] about “Nostalgia” for the Clinton Administration; Yes on 93 and other Unsolicited Advice on the California Primary Tomorrow