Five snouts up for Borat Subsequent Moviefilm streaming on Prime video now. Oh. My. God. Somehow, even though I laughed pretty hard at the first Borat, the 15 year interval damaged my internal hard drive enough that I remembered the irreverence, the anti-semitic themes and the accents but forgot how over the top funny it all was, and that it made me roar.
I found this to be if anything better than the first movie. Borat’s quest to present a high-ranking Trump official with a present that Borat and his patrons find wonderful (but we find very disturbing) proved deeply cathartic to me. I absolutely howled with laughter throughout the film and look forward to seeing it again and again—it’s that kind of movie.
Much has been made (with good reason) about the scene with Giuliani. I however was equally mesmerized by Borat’s undercover adventure with real life Trump supporters and the chants at that rally: devastating.
Borat’s sensibilities aren’t for everyone, you do have to be at least 30% twisted to love it the way I did—but that’s not a stretch for yours truly.
One note though, as good as this is, if you don’t already subscribe to Prime, please don’t do it now. Not because the film isn’t good enough, but just please avoid giving your money to Jeff Bezos/Amazon if you possibly can help it. Or, do what I hypocritically do, order and watch through my mother’s account and let her give her money to Amazon while I smugly claim to be more pure.
“smugly claim to be more pure.” I love your irreverent honesty. Thanks for the chuckle.
Thanks for loving me in all my smug irreverence