thoughts about the huffpost piece this morning on the impotence of donald trump’s positive thinking .
about a year ago i wrote a piece for general consumption on donald trump and the power of the word. i acknowledge his ability to use it while discussing the limitations of his approach.
i am currently reading love without end by glenda green–an artist with whom an apparition of jesus the master teacher sat for months for a portrait. she records the master describing how the power of the mind is strong but the power of love is much stronger; the mind must be a servant to the heart for real power to occur. the master says all human structures are mortal and will die. he says that it is impossible for someone to rise to great power without being love, that the technology of love cannot be seized by those who hate.
i am fascinated by it all and praying hard to integrate my understanding. what i think is possible is that love is allowing trump’s power of mind to rise to this level in order to magnify great apparent separation so as to awaken us to the dangers of not choosing love. we are being asked to choose and be love in this crisis time, to align ourselves with love to save our democracy and the human race/habitat.