current events
- Is this my pain? (or is it someone else’s?) - As we proceed through life, we assume that our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and body sensations are our own. I’m willing to believe that some of my thoughts and beliefs, while masquerading as mine, are heavily influenced by the collective consciousness of my family, culture, country, ethnicity, and social class. But surely (ok, I’ll stop calling […]
- Oh Happy Day in this Season of Lent - Last Sunday our New Thought Gospel Choir and I (a humble soprano) performed the song Oh Happy Day (our performance can be seen and heard here starting 1:00:05 minutes in) at the Center for Spiritual Awareness in West Sacramento. As I sang it, Oh Happy Day dragged me, and probably everyone in the room, along […]
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reviews & recommendations
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spirit & personal
- Is this my pain? (or is it someone else’s?) - As we proceed through life, we assume that our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and body sensations are our own. I’m willing to believe that some of my thoughts and beliefs, while masquerading as mine, are heavily influenced by the collective consciousness of my family, culture, country, ethnicity, and social class. But surely (ok, I’ll stop calling […]
- Oh Happy Day in this Season of Lent - Last Sunday our New Thought Gospel Choir and I (a humble soprano) performed the song Oh Happy Day (our performance can be seen and heard here starting 1:00:05 minutes in) at the Center for Spiritual Awareness in West Sacramento. As I sang it, Oh Happy Day dragged me, and probably everyone in the room, along […]
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sacramento, california
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