a movie that everyone loved but disappointed me won best picture and the wrong michelle was best actress at the 2023 oscars. i’m reconciling myself to the best picture but not to the best actress.
this would not be the first time this has happened with the pictures. for years i’ve used forrest gump as a barometer of whether a friend shares my taste in movies (if you loved it, we probably like different films). i just could not believe that it won best picture. other such examples include no country for old men and also films i’ve liked but not loved such as nomadland, braveheart and the silence of the lambs)
yet, i’m coming to grips with the best picture thing. i can see how this concept captivated everyone. apparently it was time for that concept to enter the mainstream of this world. is it time for me to confess that i am in communication with another realm where it has been known for millennia that there are parallel universes and that we are always at choice? so this idea did not strike me as new, the way it did you. they didn’t get it right and i know it so that bothers me. but i appreciate the film’s creators for channeling that and bringing it in, even in a flawed, internally inconsistent form.
some of you read my review of everything (below). if you did, you know that i was absolutely in love with the concept and the first and maybe second acts of the movie. i do not begrudge it the oscar for best original screenplay because it is such an original and fresh idea. i do not begrudge everything’s ke huy quan best supporting actor. he was magnificent and i’d love to see more of him. and jamie lee curtis’ performance in everything was so incredibly entertaining that i’m willing to let her have best supporting actress, why not? (plus as the spawn of tony curtis and janet leigh she is hollywood royalty, so…)
i do, however, strongly feel that the wrong michelle got the oscar for best performance as an actress. michelle williams’ performance in the fabelmans was hands down one of the best single performances i’ve ever seen. come on! michelle yeoh’s performance on the other hand was meh. i don’t think she rose above the material or brought anything so special that it needs to be memorialized in this way.
everyone everywhere was wrong 3 snouts up (:)(:)(:) for everywhere everything all at once
(:)(:)(:)(:) four snouts up for thanksgiving at the movies with spielberg’s the fabelmans.