Five Snouts Up for the best news show ever: A Call for Global Prayer every Friday 10amPT click here to convert to your timezone — attend it live on zoom here https://csl.zoom.us/j/556416891.
While Stephen Colbert and Trevor Noah use the news as a call for comedy, Edward Viljoen uses it as a call for prayer. It may not sound like a news show, but it may be the best one I’ve ever seen, especially if other news is making your heart and mind hurt too much. Here’s what it is: For 30 minutes every Friday morning in a live Zoom meeting, Dr. Edward Viljoen, Centers for Spiritual Living worldwide Spiritual Leader, uses the events of the world as a call for prayer and then, however he is guided, speaks the truth of the situation so that our hearts and minds are changed at depth.  Sometimes he explicitly reads news headlines and directs the prayer treatment at those countries or situations that are calling for prayer. Sometimes he is led in a different direction. Whatever path he chooses, Dr. Edward comes to the news deeply rooted in spiritual principle and helps me go there and stay there. This is no panacea or gloss on what is happening. There is true compassion and understanding a call for us to all know and live and act from a higher truth because of what is out-picturing in the world.
The brief meeting is opened and closed by the deep consciousness of Dr. Sharon Hudson Field Director of the Centers for Spiritual Living.
I can’t tell you what a treat I find it to be to spend that time allowing Edward and Sharon’s consciousness to wash over me. And unlike other live news, it’s a meeting not a webinar, so you are in the room too with people all over the world who are allowing ourselves to be changed at depth.
Below is a recording of one such session. Unfortunately it isn’t of my favorite type which is where he reads the newspaper (like last week’s) but it does allow you to experience the power of edward’s consciousness.