in the episcopal church in which i was christianed, raised and confirmed, we weren’t allowed to say hallelujah during lent. so it was a big deal to say it on easter sunday. i loved singing hallelujah at the top of my lungs to praise the risen lord and i loved it doubly because it had been forbidden and hidden for 40 days. today, i say hallelujah even though i am cloistered from the covid. i say hallelujah even though i say it alone on the internet. i say it even though people are dying, sick, broke and scared. all praises to my great god. all praises to the risen christ consciousness breaking open from the destruction of all i had clung to before. and i wish you a happy easter and the enjoyment of this beautiful song.
stay in touch ! ! !
About Sara Stevens Nichols
Sara Stevens Nichols is a blogger, author, minister, lawyer, facilitator, healer, organizer, wife, mother who lives in Sacramento, California, USA with her longtime husband Bill Magavern. She is known for healing herself through spiritual tools, releasing weight + over-functioning + over-controlling + codependence + knee pain + financial vagueness, and a host of habits that haven't served her or others.