four snouts up for season 1 of gentefied streaming in spanglish on netflix now. this show centers on a mexican-american family headed by a grandfather, played by stunningly by joaquín cosío, who owns a taco shop and his 3 adult grandchildren in boyle heights in la. (an area which is genuinely still in the middle of the struggle with gentrification)
the 3 grandchildren are cousins, not siblings, which neatly allows each to represent quite literally a different face of latinx la life. one is a lighter skinned character with no spanish accent played by puerto rican comic carlos santos. joseph julian soria plays a darker skinned cousin as a sort of intellectual cheech marin. karrie martin is fabulous as a lesbian art sensation.
all actors and even smaller characters are marvelous and the writing is tight and rich. it feels authentic and culturally accurate to this gringa, but what would i know, que? the arc of the plot is less obvious than it originally seems as it ably navigates the difficulties of the changing family and world. total binge bait.