All the thoughts, beliefs, opinions and conclusions that you have had in this lifetime or any lifetime that you had to choose between fulfilling your dreams and having a family, are you willing to destroy and uncreate them all?
In this short video I employ a technique to clear your limiting beliefs about fulfilling your dreams and the next steps to doing so.
My clearings are what is known as “Spiritual Mind Treatment” taught by Centers for Spiritual Living and incorporate language and concepts from Access Consciousness such as the Clearing Statement.
All is Well Institute is a ministry of mine that teaches and supports people in healing themselves from chronic pain and chronic physical ailments using meditation, forgiveness, prayer and other tools when other treatments have stalled progress.
To apply for support in the care circles, find out about classes or arrange for a private session with me or one of our other practitioners, contract us at InfoAllisWellInstitute at or follow us on Facebook.