No. Not me. The Senate Republicans. They came out swinging today, furious at the “sham process” — waaah? Did I miss something? They’re in charge of the process. It reminds me of a not-so-hilarious political cartoon at the end of the first W Bush administration, something like “after 4 years of controlling the White House and the Congress, we’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it anymore.”
I admit it, I spent all day watching the Senate Judiciary Committee Kavanaugh hearing. I was spellbound by Christine Blasey Ford. I was disgusted by Brett Kavanaugh’s anger and contempt for the senators, particularly the Democratic female senators.
I was actually surprised at how disgusted I was by Kavanaugh. Unlike some women, I don’t have default anger at men. I was raised by an unconditionally loving, gentle father. I grew up with gentle, loving brothers. I am blessed with an incredible loving husband and father of our children. In short, I have experienced every man in my family, and almost all men in my classrooms and my workplace as wonderful people.
So default anger at men is just not a setting on my dial. And, if anything, I need to confess that I even tend to give people accused of crimes (and sexual assault is a crime in case you don’t know) the benefit of the doubt. I almost became a public defender. This is how much I care about the civil liberties of people accused of crimes.
When it comes to claims about things done long ago, I sometimes feel too much empathy with possible perpetrators, because I know that I was a larger than life personality as a youth. I did a lot of outrageous things in college–none of which I would like to be discussed in public today.
So believe me when I say that I was shocked to find just how emotionally triggering I found Brett Kavanaugh’s testimony to be today. I do not think he displayed the temperament of a judge, let alone a supreme court judge. He was belligerent. He was argumentative. He is not a person who I want to hold the law of the land in his hands no matter what his stands are on the issues.