This weekend, Bill and I are in Providence, Rhode Island to see our baby girl graduate from Brown University (with a degree in Computer Science). Every person I’ve told that we’re going has said “already?!” and they don’t know the half of it.
The day to day experience of raising children seems to go impossibly slow. Some of those days with very young kids or mad, bored teens, were hecka long. Yet, it all passes by in these bursts of “already?”
It would be too trite to trot out the parade of “alreadys” that march through one’s mind. I couldn’t possibly bore you with memories of that baby laugh, those bright blonde curls, the first falling down steps, not to mention the carpools, the camping trips, the tears and fun of high school.
When the kids were kids I used to muse that every single age I wished they wouldn’t get any older. That was really true. And it was such a blessing. Every single year of their childhood (except for around 15) I thought they were fantastic and wished they wouldn’t get any older. They did and that was fantastic too.
I still feel that way. And just like all those other times, I’m convinced that it won’t keep up. How could I enjoy my daughter of the future any better than this glorious 21 year old brilliant & charming beauty I have right here?