My consciousness of the Spirit within me as my unlimited Source is the Divine Power to restore the years the locusts have eaten, to make all things new, to lift me up to the High Road of abundant prosperity. This awareness, understanding and knowledge of Spirit appears as every visible form and experience that I could possibly desire.*
This meditation begs the question, what do I desire or perhaps what should I desire? Often times I have an idea of what will make me happy and I focus on achieving that particular form and experience, but will that actually produce the desired result? Right now, for example, I’d like a grande decaf soy latte from a certain Seattle-based corporate coffee chain. This desire (for a 20 minute walk and $5) is easily satisfied. I imagine it will bring me comfort and joy, clarity, focus, ease and grace.
But what if I focused on comfort and joy, clarity, ease and grace instead of on the latte? Wouldn’t that foster a greater awareness, understanding and knowledge of Spirit? Isn’t Spirit better known by those names than it is by “cardboard, foam and bean”?
Just for today, can I remember what I truly want and see what Spirit brings me when I relinquish my idea of what its delivery package looks like?
*If you are just joining our show in progress, meditate on this for 15 minutes today. You can start the meditations any day, don’t worry about the day it says it is, but then do it for 40 days. At any time you can look ahead or behind and see how it works by going to this link: How to do the 40 day Meditation Program